There are many times in the day to get your fitness in. Currently the 6am, 5pm and 6pm are the most steady. Did you know we have a class at 930am and 12pm? Also, 1030am until noon open gym is a great time to work on your skills or catch up on a previous workout. Lots of benefits to get it done early, then you have the rest of the day for other things and you’ll feel great. Also, if you’re used to go at a specific time, switch things up from time to time. Get to know other athletes. After a while, when you always come at the same time, workout with the same people, same coach, things might get stagnant, get out of your comfort zone. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”

Join us tonight at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.6 then tackle it head on at 6:15 (This isn’t really 18.6, we just made that up). The 2018 post Open party will start right after the workout. Can’t make it for the workout, just join us after. There will be a draw for all of you that did all 5 workouts and register a score. You need to be on sight to win as well. Hope to see all of you there

No classes Friday, instead, we’ll all meet at the memorial stairs for 10am, workout will start at 1015 sharp. If you have a weight vest, bring it. Don’t have a weight vest? A weighted back pack will do just fine

Regular classes Saturday, Closed Sunday, morning classes only for Monday. Make sure to look at the schedule


Teams of 2
2 rounds for time:

60 cals row
50 handstand push ups
40 pull ups
30 clean and jerk 135/95
20 sync burpees over the bar
10 wall walks

Note: Share the work as needed

Timecap: 30min

If you cannot complete the full 2 rounds, your score is your total reps at 30min. Have fun!!!


Clean and jerk primer

5 sets (no drops)
5 hang power cleans + 1 jerk

Push press

Clean pulls @110 of 1RM

Hatch Squat W1D1
Back squat
1×10 @60%
1×8 @65%
1×8 @70%
1×8 @75%

Front squat
1×5 @60%
1×5 @65%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%

18.6 is….

You’ll have to come at 6pm to know

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