Stairs workout Friday March 30th at 10am. If you have a weight vest, bring it. There will be no classes Friday at the gym, just meet us at the stairs. Everybody welcome, members and non-members. Regular classes Saturday, gymnastics at 9, weightlifting at 10, Firebreathers at 11. No classes Sunday


5 sets
3 hip clean + 1 jerk

Note: squat cleans, no drops, build to max


8min AMRAP

6 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85
4 box jumps 36/30

The 2018 Open is officially over, Congratulations to all the Pyro athletes and friends that came to Pyro to do it. Big shoutout to all the athletes that performed the workouts after the announcement, it takes a lot of guts to do the workouts minutes after it was announced in front of everyone. Sweet skills! Thanks to Mark for bringing all the equipment for watching the live announcement. He took time to bring everything, do all the hookups and made sure everything ran well. Not only that, he was also our head judge, printing the score sheets, making sure that all the judging was done properly, movement standard reinforced and really just have a great presence during all 5 weeks of the Open. Again, thanks Mark, really appreciate it! Lastly, thanks to all our coaches for helping out and all of you for volunteering.

We hope that you all had fun and a good experience. On our end, overall it was a great experience, you guys were amazing. That being said, we’re always taking feedback, suggestions and are always willing to improve. We’re already planning what 2019 is going to look like. If you have any feedback for us, make sure to share it.

The Open might be officially over but we haven’t done an official closure yet. Come celebrate with us Thursday night starting at 6pm. We’ll be doing 18.6 starting at 6:15 and then talk everything 2018 Open, highs and lows, talk about our experiences, goals for 2019, play some spikeball, have a few refreshments, just have fun. See you all there

Stairs workout Friday at 10am. There will be no classes, meet at 10am, bottom of the stairs, workout starts at 1015 sharp. If you have a weight vest, bring it!


The rope climb

Note: Review the wraps and technique


15min AMRAP

1 rope climb
15ft handstand walk
30 double unders

Note: Handstand walk must be in 5ft increments


Hang power snatch (no drops)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM (no drops)

Hatch squat program W1D1
Back squat
1×10 @60%
1×8 @70%
1×6 @75%
1×4 @80%

Front squat
1×5 @60%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%

Note: The squat program should take approximately 20min

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