Join us tonight at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.4 and watch the Pyro athletes Matt, Stephen, Derek and Aaron going head to head in a battle to the death. Just kidding, not to the death but they will push really hard!

Reminder that we’ll be running heats for 18.4 Thursday night after the battle, Friday all day as part of our regular programming and Sunday at 9/10 and 11. Make sure to sign up on RhinoFit. This is going to be epic!!


For time:

100 cals row
100 double unders
50 overhead walking lunges 45/35
50 dumbbell snatch 50/35
25 knees to elbows
25 push press 115/85

Note: BOOM!


10 rounds for time:

1 power clean
3 front squats

Bar at 225/155

Note: Just like Tuesday’s with the snatch, you can squat clean the 1st rep but you still need to do 3 front squats after. So total of 30 front squats

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