Fundamentals part I, 9 fundamental movements, Tuesday March 20th at 7pm. For everyone, current members, new members and non members. Learn everything about the squats, presses and deadlifts. We haven’t run this in a long time so even if you’ve been at Pyro for a while, we highly recommend it, this will set you up for success. Good mechanics, technique and consistency will get you a long way.

Join us tonight, Thursday March 8th at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.3 then make sure to stick around and watch Pyro athletes crushing it. We’ll also be running heats all night, the sign up sheets will be at the box during the day, we had some printing issues, in the meantime, if you’d like to do it Thursday night, just let us know what time by email, text, Facebook message and we’ll sign you in. We got a really good start, keep pushing forward, 3 more to go


10min EMOM alt min

1 rope climb or peg board ascent
10 dumbbell overhead squat (5 right, 5 left)

Note: For both movements, pick something challenging but doable for 5 sets each. If comfortable with doing rope climbs, go legless


12min AMRAP

5 burpees to a target
7 knees to elbows
9 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85


Snatch/Clean and jerk primer

5 sets
3 positions snatch + 1 overhead squat
1 high hang snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 overhead squat

5 sets
3 positions clean + 1 push press
1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 clean
1 push press

Note: For both complexes, keep the weight under 50% of your maxes. This will reinforce proper technique, speed and consistency. Build up or fixed weight, go with how you feel

Back squat

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