The CrossFit total is Sunday. Classes at 9, 10 and 11. The CrossFit total is the combination of your 1 rep max shoulder press, 1 rep max back squat and 1 rep max deadlift



The muscle up (bar or rings)


For time:

30 muscle ups


Snatch, clean and jerk primer

Snatch complex
1 snatch high pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
1 clean high pull
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk

Note: For both complexes, build up to your max

Acc work
Partner glute ham raises


Partner up!

For time:
100 cals row (while partner holds KB front rack) 53/35 switch as needed
PT 1 100 double unders, PT 2 KB front rack hold) 53/35
PT 2 100 double unders, PT 1 KB front rack hold) 53/35
100ft handstand walk, 25ft sections, each partner does 50ft, 25ft alternating

Note: Cals row, double unders can only be accumulated when the other partner is holding the Kettlebell in the front rack. This workout is part of a workout at the western classic coming up next weekend. Many of us are doing it so it’s a great time to prep and besides, it’s a fun workout

Rest 5min

5 rounds for time:

4 rope climbs (share as needed)
40ft partner fireman drag (20ft each)
10 burpees over the wall 48/40 (5 each)
40 wall balls 20/14 (share as needed but the ball cannot touch the ground, 10 burpees penalty)

There’s no shortage of awesome things happening at Pyro in the near future:

The 2018 Open is approaching soon. It all starts Thursday February 22nd and goes for 5 weeks. Have you signed up yet?

The Festivus Games at Pyro is Saturday April 21st. Here’s the link to register:

Athlete Registration

Pyromania III tickets are on sale now. 150$ per teams, same sex partners, 6 workouts, 1 final for the top 5 teams per divisions. Male/Female, Firebreathers and Masters 35+ divisions. Friday July 20th until Sunday July 22nd. This is going to be absolutely bananas. Lots of interest already!! Here’s the link to get your tickets:

Warm up

Speed ball

Pull ups 3×5


Death by jerk (From the ground)
Min 1, 1 jerk
Min 2, 2 jerks
Min 3, 3 jerks

Bar at 135/95
Continue adding 1 rep every minute until you can no longer perform all the reps in that minute.

As soon as you’re done with the jerk you will enter:
Death by shuttle run 20ft
Min 1, 1 run
Min 2, 2 runs
Min 3, 3 runs

Continue adding 1 rep (1x20ft) every minute until you can no longer perform all the reps in that minute.

Score is total reps completed

For example: Jerks, 10 min completed (95 reps) plus 9 reps (9 reps in the round of 11) = 104 reps (95+9)
Then 10min flat of shuttle run = 95 so the total score for this athlete is 104+95= 199 reps

Pro tip: As soon as you’re done with the jerks, make sure to note your score somewhere on a board or a piece of paper as you will start the shuttle run right away. Chances are you might forget how many reps you did.

Note: This is going to be awesome!!!


Hang squat snatch



6 rounds for time:

5 power snatch 135/95
10 pistols


6 rounds for time:

5 power snatch 95/65
10 box step ups 24/20


6 rounds for time:

5 power snatch 165/115
10 pistols


Last day of testing for this cycle. Time to see where you’re at. Saturday will be a fun weightlifting day to conclude this cycle. New cycle starting next week

Clean and jerk primer

Clean and jerk

Acc work
Bench press

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