Team Pyro is now at 54 athletes!!! This is amazing!!! You can still sign up, you have until Monday February 26th 6pm to register and enter your score for the first workout. This is going to be epic!! Seriously this time, the heat time for athletes and judges will be up tomorrow. Make sure to put your name down as priority will be given to those on the sheets. You’ll many options to do the workouts: Thursday night after the announcement and the head to head face offs, Friday all during regular classes and open gym, Sunday between 11am and 1pm. If you can’t make it to any of those times, talk to us and we’ll accommodate.

18.1 face off roster
Coach David vs coach Em


Back squat 5-5-5
Front squat 5-5-5

Note: All working sets must be above your 50% of 1RM back squat and front squat


For time:

Thrusters 95/65
Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Muscle ups (rings or bar)

Workout flow: 21 thrusters, 21 sumo deadlift high pulls, 6 muscle ups, 15 thrusters, 15 sumo deadlift high pulls, 5 muscle ups…
Note: If you don’t have muscle ups, scale to muscle up transitions or jumping bar muscle ups or pull ups. If you have both rings or bar muscle ups, pick the one you are the least comfortable with.

Open tips: Depending when you’re doing your workout, give yourself at least a day of rest before, ideally 2 days prior your workout. It also all depends how important it is to you. If you truly want to see where you’re at in your fitness, take some rest before, otherwise just treat each open workouts just like any other workouts. If you’re planning to do the workouts multiple times, you’ll need as much rest as you can in between. For example, doing it the first time on Thursday night and the second time on Sunday or Monday. Unless you’re doing the Open to qualify or achieve a goal, doing
a workout a second time within the same weekend just to get a couple more reps is technically insane. Unless you were sick, didn’t feel good or something went wrong, it’s just not worth it. Give your best for that one time and move on. You have to be really driven to beat your own score and be willing to go to that dark place. Remember that it’s only a workout and have fun! The Open and your score does not define you as a person. We can’t control what the workouts are, not of them might be in your wheelhouse, just do your best.

Family day hours: Classes at 9 and 10, open gym at 11. No classes at night


Power cleans


Note: Reps are not touch and go but close together


5 rounds for time:

6 clean and jerks 155/105
6 burpee pull ups
40 squats

The Open: Starting February 22nd, individuals, 5 weeks, 5 workouts, biggest fitness competition in the world period. Scaled and Rx, for everyone
Register for the Open here:

The Festivus games: 5 workouts, (3 wods plus a final and a floater), individuals super friendly novice and intermediate competitions
Register for the Festivus games here:

Athlete Registration

Pyromania III: CrossFit Pyro’s own annual competition, 3 days, July 20th, 21st and 22nd, same sex partner, 6 workouts plus a final for top 5, regular division (for everyone), firebreathers and masters 35+, to our knowledge, this is the biggest competition in Calgary, the event will have running, swimming, classic CrossFit, lifting and everything else in between, you seriously don’t want to miss it
Register for Pyromania III here:

Don’t know what any of these are? Ask your coach this week. Trust us, we wouldn’t get you to do any of this if it wasn’t going to be awesome. All these competitions are fun community events for everyone. If you want to step your game up and be a better version of yourself, sign up and you won’t regret it.


Free standing handstand hold/walk

Bar and ring muscle ups with a spotter or progression drills

Weighted pull ups

Weighted ring dips

Note: If you can’t go weighted, here’s the perfect time to work at building strength, use bands or a spotter


Snatch/clean and jerk primer

Snatch complex
1 snatch pull
1 hang snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
1 clean pull
1 hang clean
1 front squat
1 jerk

Acc work
60 GHD sit ups
60 hip extensions



For time:
50 walking-lunge steps
25 chest-to-bar pull-ups
50 box jumps, 24-inch box
25 triple-unders
50 back extensions
25 ring dips
50 knees-to-elbows
25 wall-ball, “2-fer-1s,” 20-lb. ball
50 sit-ups
15-ft. rope climbs, 5 ascents

U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Junior Grade Thomas Cameron, 24, of Portland, Oregon, in training at the Aviation Training Center in Mobile, Alabama, died on Feb. 28, 2012, when his unit’s helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission.

He is survived by his parents, Bette and John; and brother, Alex.

28 athletes registered for the Festivus games at Pyro Saturday April 21st. Register before February 28th and you get your free Festivus games comp tshirt. We need more athletes in the male/novice and masters for both male and female divisions. We know there’s a lot going on, the Open starts next week, Pyromania III tickets are live and we just did the western classic. Competing is fun, this is why so many people are doing it, the Festivus games is true competition for everyone. You should totally do it. Not sure what it is, click on the link below to find out:
Register here:

Athlete Registration


8min AMRAP

2 handstand push ups
2 pistols
30 double unders

Add 2 reps of handstand push ups and pistols every rounds

4min rest

8min AMRAP

2 shoulder to overhead 115/85
2 front squats 115/85
10 bar facing burpees

Add 2 reps of shoulder to overhead and front squats every rounds

Score is total reps for both AMRAPs together

Scale options:
Handstand push ups for push ups
Pistols for box step ups or air squats
Double unders for single unders
Shoulder to overhead and front squat, pick a weight that’s appropriate for you

Exactly 1 week away from now, the 1st workout for the Open will be announced. Come and watch the live announcement at 6pm and then stay to watch Coach Dave and Coach Em going head to head for the ultimate showdown. There will be heat times for you to do the workout as well. Sign up sheet for week one will be posted tomorrow at the box. Make sure to register for your heat time ahead and remember the rule, if somebody judge you, you must judge somebody in return. We’re now at 49 of us registered for the Open, there’s still many of you left still to sign up!! What are you waiting for? There’s no such thing as not being good enough, the real challenge lies in signing up and doing it, this is NOT about your rank on the leaderboard. Can we get 60 of us doing it? Register here:



Note: From the rack, push jerk or split jerk. Build to max but don’t take it easy on the 5s and 3s just to have a good single. It’s also about building strength


For time:
GHD sit ups or toes to bar
Power snatch 75/55

Note: If you can’t do a full range of motion GHD sit ups or toes to bar, go with regular sit ups or knee raises. You should be able to chain together 5 to 10 GHD sit ups or toes to bar to do this Rx. Not a high volume workout by any means but still 60 reps of each. This workout is meant to be fast, 5-10min top


Clean and jerk primer

Muscle clean 5×1
Power clean 5×1
High hang clean 5×1
Hang clean 5×1
Jerk 5×1 (from the rack)
Overhead squat 5×5

Note: Same as last week, focus on technique, getting under the bar and foot work. If you’re doing both the weightlifting and the regular prog, do a mix of push jerk and split jerk

Don’t forget about the Festivus games Saturday April 21st. This is a fun competition for everyone, the workouts are really accessible and already 28 athletes registered. Sign up before February 28th and you get your free Festivus games tshirt, there will be no tshirts available for those you sign up after that date.
Here’s the link to sign up:

Athlete Registration

“Valentine’s day” wod

Partner up!

For time:

100 cals row
90 wall balls 20/14
80 dumbbell step ups 20inch box 50/35
70 sync sit ups
60 partner facing burpees (other partner holds plank)
50 deadlifts 225/155
40 front squats 155/105
30 med ball alt sit ups
20 shoulder to overhead 155/105
10 sync wall climbs

Note: Share the work as needed unless synchronized is required. Partners must tag before switching otherwise it’s a no rep

Bring your love ones, even if they’re not a member, drop in on us!!

The Open is next week. THE OPEN IS NEXT WEEK!!! Are you ready? We’re getting close to 50 registered, what are you waiting for? This is going to be fun! It will challenge you, you will get better because of it, not only that, but you will be part of the biggest community fitness event on the planet. Every single CrossFit gym in the world is doing it!! If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, this is precisely why you should do it. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. If we always do things that we’re comfortable with, we will never get better, we will never growth. Doing things that you’re not comfortable with will make you learn, will give you a new experience, a new perspective. Just go sign up, let’s do this!!

E2M10M (5 sets)

2 snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Note: Just like last week with the clean pulls, reinforce good mechanic, good take off, keep the bar close, triple extension, shrug, be patient on bending the elbows. Weightlifting is technical, the better your technique is, the more you will lift. Trust the process and be patient


1min dumbbells or kettlebells thrusters 53/35
1min chest to bar pull ups
1min dumbbells or kettlebells thrusters 53/35
1min chest to bar pull ups
1min dumbbells or kettlebells thrusters 53/35
1min chest to bar pull ups

Note: Score is total reps of thrusters and chest to bar combined

Weightlifting (W2D1)

Snatch primer

Muscle snatch 5×1
Power snatch 5×1
high hang snatch 5×1
Snatch balance 5×1
Front squat 5×5

Note: Same as last week, let’s work on proper mechanics, keep it light if necessary. It’s our time to work on technique and be more efficient. Next week will be more about volume and barbell cycling

“Remember kids, always do your floater wods”

6 rounds:

Air bike cals

30sec on
30sec off

Score is total cals for all the intervals together

Note: hahahahahahahahahahaahahaha

Congratulations to all the Pyro athletes competing this weekend at the western classic. Everybody did so awesome!! We’re so proud to be part of such an amazing group of individuals. The Pyro community is the best. Dan and Adrian managed a 2nd place podium finish in their division, sweet skills!

The Open is in 12 days, have you signed up yet??? Do it now:

Mobility/Skills 5min

Single arm overhead squat

Note: The single arm overhead squat is incredibly challenging, pick a weight that allows you perform a few reps without breaking form and mechanics. This is not about the loads, this is about building overhead mobility


15min AMRAP

10 kettlebell snatch 53/35
25ft kettlebell single arm overhead lunges 53/35
25 box jumps 24/20

Note: You must switch arms every rounds for the KB snatch and the overhead lunges. Round 1 with the right arm, round 2 with the left arm and so on


15min full body stretch

Note: Maintenance and mobility is a crucial part of fitness, let’s take the time today

Pyro had a great showing today at the western classic! Everybody is working hard, displaying a great attitude and having a blast. Bring on day 2!!

Go sign up for the CrossFit games Open:

Valentine’s day is right around the corner. Join us Wednesday February 14th for a special partner workout!! This is going to be our workout of day all day. If you have a partner already, try to coordinate with that person to do it together, otherwise, we’ll find you a partner no problem. If we end up an odd number in a the class, the coach is going to be your default partner

Partner up!

A little taste of the Western Classic for everyone:

Partner 1, 1min max unbroken bar muscle ups
Partner 2, 1min max unbroken bar muscle ups

Note: Scaled: pull ups or ring rows. Your score is your max reps unbroken, you can come off the bar and try again but your score is your max reps unbroken, not total.


9min to find 1 rep max hang squat snatch

Note: The bar must be brought to full extension then the rep start between your waist and above your knee. Scaled: hang power snatch acceptable

5min rest

3 rounds for time:

20 handstand push ups (20 total, share as needed)
15 synchronized bar facing burpees
10 squat cleans (1 athlete must complete 5 reps before the other athlete does the other 5 reps)

Rx squat cleans ladder: 155/105 185/125 225/155
Scaled handstand push ups: 4 wall walks
Scaled squat cleans ladder: 115/75 135/95 155/115

Note: Synchronized burpees must be sync at the bottom, both athletes with their chest on the ground as the same time

For today’s workout, you can go Rx or scaled but you can also go anywhere in between. Make sure to adjust the weight accordingly on the squat clean ladder. Have fun

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