You still have until 6pm to perform and submit your score for 18.1

18.1 was a massive wrench in the works. Rowing and the 20min definitively timeframe made this a logistic nightmare but we did it. It can only get better moving forward. For the upcoming weeks of the Open, please make sure to sign in for your heat. We will have the heat sheets tomorrow so start filling it now to secure your spot. With almost 70 of us doing it plus redos, that’s a lot of heats and time. We had a lot of athletes Sunday with almost nobody Friday night. Let’s try to even this out as much as possible. For the upcoming weeks, we’ll have heats during the Firebreather class as well on Saturday from 11 to 12. This is so awesome to see all you guys crushing it, so proud of our community!!



Note: Not touch and go, drop allowed but keep the reps close together. Reps should be squat snatch but if you absolutely have to, power snatch is acceptable

Snatch balance

Note: All 5 reps at your max snatch triple. If you were limited by your technique in the snatch triples, adjust the weight accordingly


For time:

100 wall balls 24/20
200 double unders

Note: If you don’t have double unders, don’t just settle for singles, scale the volume to 100 or 50 and try to do as many doubles as you can. If everything fails, do 200 high jump singles

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