Don’t forget about the Festivus games Saturday April 21st. This is a fun competition for everyone, the workouts are really accessible and already 28 athletes registered. Sign up before February 28th and you get your free Festivus games tshirt, there will be no tshirts available for those you sign up after that date.
Here’s the link to sign up:

Athlete Registration

“Valentine’s day” wod

Partner up!

For time:

100 cals row
90 wall balls 20/14
80 dumbbell step ups 20inch box 50/35
70 sync sit ups
60 partner facing burpees (other partner holds plank)
50 deadlifts 225/155
40 front squats 155/105
30 med ball alt sit ups
20 shoulder to overhead 155/105
10 sync wall climbs

Note: Share the work as needed unless synchronized is required. Partners must tag before switching otherwise it’s a no rep

Bring your love ones, even if they’re not a member, drop in on us!!

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