Pyro had a great showing today at the western classic! Everybody is working hard, displaying a great attitude and having a blast. Bring on day 2!!

Go sign up for the CrossFit games Open:

Valentine’s day is right around the corner. Join us Wednesday February 14th for a special partner workout!! This is going to be our workout of day all day. If you have a partner already, try to coordinate with that person to do it together, otherwise, we’ll find you a partner no problem. If we end up an odd number in a the class, the coach is going to be your default partner

Partner up!

A little taste of the Western Classic for everyone:

Partner 1, 1min max unbroken bar muscle ups
Partner 2, 1min max unbroken bar muscle ups

Note: Scaled: pull ups or ring rows. Your score is your max reps unbroken, you can come off the bar and try again but your score is your max reps unbroken, not total.


9min to find 1 rep max hang squat snatch

Note: The bar must be brought to full extension then the rep start between your waist and above your knee. Scaled: hang power snatch acceptable

5min rest

3 rounds for time:

20 handstand push ups (20 total, share as needed)
15 synchronized bar facing burpees
10 squat cleans (1 athlete must complete 5 reps before the other athlete does the other 5 reps)

Rx squat cleans ladder: 155/105 185/125 225/155
Scaled handstand push ups: 4 wall walks
Scaled squat cleans ladder: 115/75 135/95 155/115

Note: Synchronized burpees must be sync at the bottom, both athletes with their chest on the ground as the same time

For today’s workout, you can go Rx or scaled but you can also go anywhere in between. Make sure to adjust the weight accordingly on the squat clean ladder. Have fun

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