
Snatch balance

Note: Use the snatch balance as a drill to get better at getting under the bar for the snatch. Your 1RM snatch balance should be about 10-15lbs above your 1RM snatch. If it isn’t, let’s work at it. If your technique is not there, non sense adding weight. Be smart!


10min AMRAP

10 DB snatch 50/35
10 burpees over the box 24/20

Score is total reps


Clean and jerk primer

Muscle clean 5×1
Power clean 5×1
High hang clean 5×1
Hang clean 5×1
Jerk 5×1 (from the rack)
Overhead squat 5×5

Note: Focus on technique! Weight is irrelevant if you can’t do the movements right

The Open starts Thursday February 22nd, goes for 5 weeks, 1 workout per week, You can redo the workouts as many times as you want, Rx, scaled workouts and 36 of us registered so far. The Open is a fun community event, over 500,000 athletes from affiliates all around the globe are doing it every year. We’ll be watching the live workout announcement every Thursday night at 6pm and then have a face off between athletes of Pyro (Coach Dave and Coach Em first). Those interested will also be able to do it on Thursday night after the show. The workouts will be our workout of the day for Friday and we’ll also have heat times on Sundays. If you can’t come to any of those times to perform your workout, talk to us and we’ll accommodate. You must have a judge when you perform your workouts. Expect some 9pm Citizen beers after the workout. You have until the Monday 6pm to perform the workouts and submit your scores.

Everyone should sign up for this. Everyone!!! The thing is, no matter what, you will do the workouts, Thursday nights, all Friday and Sundays are dedicated to the Open. Not sure if everyone understands the magnitude of this. There is no such thing as not being good enough, you are as good as you are and no matter what, the Open will make you better.

Rule of the Open:

When you perform the workouts, one of us will judge you, in return, you must judge somebody else. You can judge the same person that just judged you if you want or any other athletes. You don’t need a judge course to judge. That being said, we highly recommend that you take the online course once at some point (There’s a new course every year). CrossFit as movements standards, as an athlete, you should be aware of what they are. Being a good athlete is one thing, being a good CrossFit athlete is entirely different. Developing the capacity to hit each rep with full range of motion and standards with perfect accuracy requires a lot of skills.

Our head judge for the 2018 season is Mark Ramsey. Before every heats, the judges will have a judge briefing with the head judge, this will be the time to review all standards, workout flow, heat times, how to score, time caps, tie breaks and such. Being a judge is not an easy task but it is super fun. You will also learn a lot by watching other athletes do the workouts.

Each week, we’ll have a sign up sheet for athletes heat times and judges slots. We recommend that when you sign up for a heat time as an athlete, you should also put your name down as a judge right away. Since we don’t know what the workouts are, the times will fluctuate. In the past, the workouts have been anywhere from 5min to 30min. Our heat times will be every 15min with a possible extension of 15min. That will gives enough play to adapt.

Be aware that Open workouts won’t be like your typical class. Since we’ll be running multiple heats times back to back, you will need to warm up on your own. We’ll have some warm up templates on the board specific to the workouts.

The Open is an incredible experience that everyone should be part of. The Open is pure CrossFit, nothing more, just like any other workouts at Pyro. You will enjoy it, guaranteed.

If you still have any questions regarding the Open, please ask us in class, call us, text us or email us. No questions should be left unanswered.

Now, go sign up!!!

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