Hello Pyromanians, with the upcoming competitions and the Open just around the corner, it’s important to have good character and attitude. We have a really strong community and we can definitely make a difference out there as athletes. Here’s a few key points that will make your competition and Open experience awesome.

Show up early and make sure to attend the athlete’s briefing
Get a good warm up, 5min row/bike, do some skipping rope, just get your heart rate up
Get mobilized, work on getting good range of motion and get more specific on the workout movements
Before your heat starts, make sure to shake hands with your judge and present yourself. Most judges are volunteers, be courteous and friendly, this will definitely help you
Go over the workout and range of motion for the movements with your judge. This is crucial, perform a few reps and make sure you’re on the same page. Last thing you want is getting a no rep without you knowing why
If you get no repped, take it like a champ and redo your rep. There’s nothing you can do about it, a no rep is a no rep, If you didn’t get low enough on your squat, you didn’t go low enough, this is why we have standards, athletes will try to go fast, cut corners. Worst, you might look around and see some other athletes will get away with it. This is outside of your control and do your best no matter what. It’s frustrating but it is what it is. Ask Matt Fraser how he felt last year at the games when he was getting no reps on the ring handstand push ups and everybody else was getting away with it. Again, it’s not fair but it’s outside of your control
Make sure to thank your judge after each workout, even if you didn’t agree with whatever might have happened, show good ethics
Make sure to get a cool down and stretch after each workout, this will boost your recovery and you will perform better
Keep a positive mindset whatever of the outcome. If you go out there and do your best, that was your best at that time. We can always look back and say “I could have done that”, “I could have done this”, the thing is, it didn’t happen at that time so move on. If you came across a movement that you need to work on, make it a goal for next time
Remember to have fun, forget about the others, it’s about you and you only. Focus on what you can do instead of what the others do that you can’t
Don’t forget to bring water, recovery drinks, protein shakes and healthy snacks. Bringing a little cooler is a good idea

Do you have what it takes to be a CrossFit Pyro Firebreather? Have a look on the Program page. We’ll be doing a massive testing for the Firebreather requirements right after the Open. “EARNED, NOT GIVEN”

36 of us signed up for the Open so far. Still a couple weeks away, let’s do this!!

We’ll be doing an order for the Pyro custom wodbook in 2 weeks. If you want one, put your name on the sheet by the white board.


E2M10M (5 sets)

2 clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Note: Reps are to be touch and go at the ground. Really work on getting that triple extension, squeeze your butt at the top, be patient on bending your arms, slight lean back and let the bar ride upward with the momentum.


For time:


Thrusters 95/65
Toes to bar

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