For time:

50 Dumbbell thrusters 50/35
5 burpees EMOM

Every min on the min, perform 5 burpees. *Start with burpees*

The Open is 18 days away!!! 30 of us have signed up already, what are you waiting for? This is THE competition for all of us. If you have any questions regarding the Open please ask us or any coaches. If you think you shouldn’t sign up because you’re not good enough, this is where you are wrong. This is an event for you, you against you, nothing more. Maybe there are judges, a leaderboard, heat times and everything make it looks like a competition but in the end all of this doesn’t matter. The experience is going to be unreal, it’s going to be fun, you will do things you never thought possible, you will push yourself more than you think you could. You get to do all this with the Pyro community, with your friends. Sign up right now, here’s the link:

As much as we like to have 100% participation, to be realistic, it’s not gonna happen (well, by all means, impress us), this year would be absolutely epic if we get at least 50 of us. Talk to each other, if you signed up, mention it in class, share it on the community group, try to get more on board. Let’s do this!!!


E2M12M (6 sets)
1 hip squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 low hang squat clean
1 clean

Note: You will be limited from you hip squat clean on this, your ability to get under the bar will dictate how much weight you will be able to lift at this complex. If you’re having issues getting under the bar, you know what to do, technique first, consistency second and only then, intensity or load, work on technique!!! We cannot stress this enough. This is a great complex to work at your technique, be smart, train smart.


10min AMRAP

8 overhead lunge steps 95/65 alt
8 chest to bar pull ups

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