“CrossFit Total”

Back squat 1 rep
Shoulder press 1 rep
Deadlift 1 rep

Score is all 3 combined

The CrossFit total is Sunday. Classes at 9, 10 and 11. The CrossFit total is the combination of your 1 rep max shoulder press, 1 rep max back squat and 1 rep max deadlift



The muscle up (bar or rings)


For time:

30 muscle ups


Snatch, clean and jerk primer

Snatch complex
1 snatch high pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
1 clean high pull
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk

Note: For both complexes, build up to your max

Acc work
Partner glute ham raises


Partner up!

For time:
100 cals row (while partner holds KB front rack) 53/35 switch as needed
PT 1 100 double unders, PT 2 KB front rack hold) 53/35
PT 2 100 double unders, PT 1 KB front rack hold) 53/35
100ft handstand walk, 25ft sections, each partner does 50ft, 25ft alternating

Note: Cals row, double unders can only be accumulated when the other partner is holding the Kettlebell in the front rack. This workout is part of a workout at the western classic coming up next weekend. Many of us are doing it so it’s a great time to prep and besides, it’s a fun workout

Rest 5min

5 rounds for time:

4 rope climbs (share as needed)
40ft partner fireman drag (20ft each)
10 burpees over the wall 48/40 (5 each)
40 wall balls 20/14 (share as needed but the ball cannot touch the ground, 10 burpees penalty)

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