Don’t forget about the Festivus games. Saturday April 21st. Wednesday February 28th is the last to register and get your free tshirt. You can still register after but there won’t be a free tshirt, that’s all. We’re well past 30 athletes registered now, it’s gonna be epic!!

As you know already, we don’t know what the workout will be Thursday so for today’s workout we’re gonna go with the good old The workout they have planned works perfect with our programming and we can almost be sure that these 2 movements won’t be in 18.2. CrossFit has a 3 day cycles with a one day off for their programming and today’s workout lands on day 2 with an almost guarantee that 18.2 will be on day 3. Also, it’s almost certain that there won’t be wall balls as it was in day one of this cycle. They can play with us as well but if you’ve been following for a while, you would notice that as well. On a side note, you should totally check once in a while.

Shoulder rehab/strength

Crossover symmetry 2 movements 3×10

Note: We’re limited on the crossovers so we’ll just alternate to get it done. Really worth it


7min AMRAP

10 sumo deadlift high pulls 135/95
10 push press 135/95


ROMWOD 15min

Note: That’s right, ROMWOD is back.

18.1 is in the books, sweet skills everyone!!! Let’s get ready for 18.2. Join us Thursday night at 6pm for the live announcement and the ultimate Pyro faceoff. Athletes to be announced shortly. There will be heats Thursday nights, Friday all day, Saturday at 11am until 12pm and Sunday from 11am until 1pm. Lots of opportunity to get it done. Heat sheets will be at the box for 9:30am.


5 rounds
30sec paralette L-sit hold
30sec rest


10 rounds for time:

5 strict pull ups
10 push ups
20 walking lunges steps

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**


Snatch/clean and jerk primer

Muscle snatch
Power snatch

Muscle clean + press
Power clean + push press
Clean + jerk

You still have until 6pm to perform and submit your score for 18.1

18.1 was a massive wrench in the works. Rowing and the 20min definitively timeframe made this a logistic nightmare but we did it. It can only get better moving forward. For the upcoming weeks of the Open, please make sure to sign in for your heat. We will have the heat sheets tomorrow so start filling it now to secure your spot. With almost 70 of us doing it plus redos, that’s a lot of heats and time. We had a lot of athletes Sunday with almost nobody Friday night. Let’s try to even this out as much as possible. For the upcoming weeks, we’ll have heats during the Firebreather class as well on Saturday from 11 to 12. This is so awesome to see all you guys crushing it, so proud of our community!!



Note: Not touch and go, drop allowed but keep the reps close together. Reps should be squat snatch but if you absolutely have to, power snatch is acceptable

Snatch balance

Note: All 5 reps at your max snatch triple. If you were limited by your technique in the snatch triples, adjust the weight accordingly


For time:

100 wall balls 24/20
200 double unders

Note: If you don’t have double unders, don’t just settle for singles, scale the volume to 100 or 50 and try to do as many doubles as you can. If everything fails, do 200 high jump singles

You still have until Monday 6pm to do 18.1 and enter your score. Also, it’s not too late to sign up for the Open. Regardless of your skill level, experience, strength, like or don’t like to compete, the Open is extremely beneficial for us as a community and it’s fun. How is your experience so far? Make sure to share it with all of us.

10min to find max height box jump

Note: 2 feet take off only, no step in


8min AMRAP

8 hang squat cleans 115/85
8 handstand push ups

Rest 4min

8min AMRAP

8 box jumps 30/24
8 shoulder to overhead 115/85

4min AMRAP

Burpees over the bar

Note: Score is height of your highest box jump plus the total reps from all the AMRAPs together

Awesome work with the Open so far. You guys are amazing!!! We’re almost at 70 of us, that is insane. The Pyro team is killing it. You still have until Monday 6pm to do the workout and register, let’s do this!!!


Hollow/arch drills
Beat swing and the kip
Pull ups, chest to bar pull ups
Butterfly pull ups and chest to bar pulls

Note: You know it’s coming in the open, there’s still time to do some development and refining our technique

3 rounds not for time:

10 pistols
10 handstand push ups
10 chest to bar pull ups


Snatch complex
5 sets
1 snatch pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
2 overhead squats

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets
1 clean pull
1 hang squat cleab
1 front squat
2 jerks

Note: Same as last week except that we’re adding 1 more rep on the last movement. Can you match the same weight as last week?

Back squats


For time:

30 snatch 135/95
30 clean and jerks 135/95

5 burpees every minute on the minute. Starts with burpees

Note: This is going to be awesome!!!!

The 2018 CrossFit Games Open is here!! 18.1 is a great workout. So awesome to see all of you at the live announcement and cheering for the faceoff. Congratulations to all the Pyro athletes that crushed the workout minutes after the announcement. You guys all did amazing. Right from the start, the workout called for a 20min AMRAP which is already on the long side and has rowing in it. We’re limited to 5 rowers which cut our heats from 6 athletes to 5 so we immediately fell behind on time. The nature of the Open makes the Thursday nights unpredictable so please have an open mind. Now that we know what the workout is, we can adjust for today. We could just run heats on Fridays but there’s something special about doing it right after the announcement.
We can only run 2 heats per hour so we’ll have the 1st heat starting 10min after the hour and the 2nd heat 35min after the hour. That will leave us a 5min transition between heats. Thankfully, the workout doesn’t require too much of a warm up to get ready. If you’re judging the 1st heat, try to keep moving while keeping an eye on the athlete, that will keep you somewhat warm for your heat. The 5min transition will allow to get ready for the workout. Make sure to watch the video for the standards. For all other details, head over to the CrossFit games website, read the workout description and look at the scorecard sheet. If you haven’t signed up yet, you still have until Monday 6pm to do the workout and register. Have fun and good luck!!

20min AMRAP

8 toes to bar
10 hang clean and jerk 50/35 (5 per side)
14/12 cals row

20min AMRAP

8 hanging knee raises
10 hang clean and jerk 35/20 (5 per side)
14/12 cals row

Note: Make sure to be familiar with the movement standards relative to your age group and division

Are you Open ready?
The Open is here!! Come and join us at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.1 and the ultimate showdown between 4 Pyro athletes. Heats are almost full for the rest of the night but there’s still a few spots left. Just over 60 of us have signed up, this is incredible. The real challenge with the Open lies in signing up and doing the workouts to the best of your capacity, nothing more. It’s not about going to the games, it’s not about how your rank on the leaderboard, it’s about challenging yourself and be part of the community, so to all of you that signed up, congratulations!



Weighted pull ups

Note: For the deadlifts, all working sets to be above 50% of your 1RM. For the weighted pull ups, build up to your max for 5 reps. If you can’t go weighted, make it challenging as possible, use bands or negative pull ups



Hang squat cleans 135/95
Strict ring dips

Note: Scaled the weight as needed for the hang squat cleans. For the ring dips, kip if needed or use bands. Try to use the rings as much as possible


Muscle clean

Power clean

5 sets
2 hang squat cleans + 1 jerk

Note: Jerk only on the 2nd rep

Note: Drops allowed

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM

Note: No drop, not even the last rep

Overhead squats

The Open starts tomorrow. This is going to be epic!! If you haven’t signed up, do it now, we’re closing in on 60 registered. Let’s do this!!!



30min AMRAP

10 shuttle runs 20ft
10 box jump overs 24/20
20/17 cals row
40 single unders

The Open is 3 days away. Are you ready? Still have until Monday 6pm the perform the workout and register. 55 of us are doing it, be part of it, you won’t regret it.

Join us Thursday night at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.1 (2018 workout 1) followed by the ultimate Firebreather face off. Brian vs Scott vs Em vs David. We have heats going Thursday night, Friday all day and Sunday from 11am until 1pm. If you can’t make it to any of those times, talk to us. The heat times sign up sheets for athletes and judges are at the box, make sure to put your name down to secure your heat time. Priority will be given to those who signed up so don’t forget.

Let’s make Thursday night special but for that, we need you. Let’s fill the box with energy and cheers. Let’s have the biggest crowd for the live announcement, the face off and all the athletes doing the workout that night. We’ll take pictures, have good tunes, drinks and snacks we’ll have a couple cold beverages afterwards. We’re a team, we’re all in this together, this is our community, let’s show everyone how strong our team is!!!


Shoulder press
Bench press

Note: Just like yesterday, all working sets above 50% of your 1RM in the respective lifts


For time:

Kettlebell swings 70/53
Hand release push ups
Wall balls 20/14


Muscle snatch

Power snatch

5 sets
2 hang squat snatch

Note: Not touch and go

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM snatch

Note: No drops, even for the last rep

Front squats

For time:

100 cals bike

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