Coaches meeting at 11am. There will be no open gym at that time. This will allow us to use the gym for development purposes and improve our coaching to better serve you. Regular classes at 9 and 10. Thanks

2016 athlete of the year workout


50 double unders
40 wall balls 20/14
30 pull ups
20 power cleans 95/65
10 shoulder to overhead 95/65
1 legless rope climb
10 shoulder to overhead 95/65
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
30 toes to bar
40 box jumps 24/20
50 double unders

**2018 edition: bar at 135/95**

Join us Sunday for a repeat of the 2016 athlete of the year workout, Scott made up a really nice chipper for us.


Skills 10min

The rope climb

E2M10M (5 sets)

1 strict pull up
2 kipping pull up
3 butterfly pull ups
1 bar muscle up

10min EMOM (5 sets)

3 handstand push ups

Note: Make it as challenging as you can. Go strict, deficit or scale accordingly



Clean and jerk

Push press

Acc work

Dumbbells bent over row


For time:

Buy in: 50 wall balls 24/20


4 rounds of:

21 thrusters 95/65
15 chest to bar pull ups
9 box jumps 36/30


Buy out: 50 bar facing burpees

The CrossFit Games Open registration is live. Everybody should sign up for this. The Open starts Thursday February 22nd and goes for 5 weeks. Each week, a workout will be announced online and you’ll have 5 days to do it. We’ll watch the live announcement every Thursday nights at 6pm and then some athletes from Pyro will go head to head. We’ll be running heats on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings. Each athlete will be able to sign up for heat times and will have an assigned judge. There is a judge course you can take online, this is highly recommend if you want to judge but not necessary. On a side note, we recommend the judge course to everyone, there’s extremely valuable knowledge there that will make you a better athlete. Every single affiliate in the world is doing the Open, 450 000 athletes competing, there are Rx and scaled divisions, online leaderboard, custom leaderboard, affiliate leaderboard, you name it, you can even track down your performance agains your age group, firefighters, police, military, this is simply the biggest community event in the world period. But what if you don’t like to compete? Don’t compete then but still sign up for you, to be better, to push yourself, to be part of it, it’s you against you, nothing more, you won’t regret it. We get that some of you might be away or will find some reason not to participate but seriously, everybody should do this, this is what bring us all together, as a community. If you’re not sure what this is about, please ask any coach, other members and go to the link below for more info. What about the workouts? Well, they’re no different than any other workouts at Pyro, the difference is in the setting, the fact that everyone is doing it, you have a judge counting your reps and making sure you hit the standards, everybody will be there supporting you and cheering you, in the end it is so rewarding. The 2018 Open at Pyro is going to be EPIC!!

This is not about going to the games, it’s about getting together, pushing ourselves, doing things you never thought possible, cheering each other, it’s about having fun. The only athletes advancing to the next level are professional athletes, that has been doing this already for years, dedicating their lives to the sport, average 3-4 hours of hard training daily, schedule, nutrition, rest, everything is calculated to make sure they perform at the highest level everyday. Couple years ago, good overall athletes pushing hard could make it, even the 1st year the regional registration was open to anyone. Now, only the top 5 in Canada West will advance to Regionals. Also, the team format has been revamped and now is harder than ever to have team qualifying.

The Open and competing is not about winning or your rank on the leaderboard, it’s about doing it, it’s about pushing yourself, it’s about the accomplishment, it’s about you getting better.

Pull ups 5-5-5


Squat cycle W8D2
6 sets
2 front squats
4 back squats
@85% of 1 rep max front squat


5 rounds for reps:

60sec cals row
90sec rest

Note: Score is total reps for all 5 rounds combined

The order for the competition shirt and tank top will go in next Friday so the last day pre-order yours in next Thursday. This will be a limited edition and we won’t be doing another order soon so if you want yours, now is the time. You don’t need to compete or be a competitive athlete to wear the tshirt or the tank, it’s more like a competition style than anything. See the design attached. This not the final colours. Expect it to be absolutely awesome!!

Registration for the CrossFit Games Open starts this Thursday. Everyone should sign up for this.

The Festivus games at Pyro is Saturday April 21st, you need to do this. Here’s the link to sign up:

Athlete Registration

Mark your Calendar, Pyromania III is happening Friday July 20th, Saturday July 21st and Sunday July 22nd. All the details soon and registration soon.


Shoulder press

Note: All working sets above 60% of 1 rep max


8min AMRAP

4 power cleans 185/135
10 shuttle runs 25ft (forward and backward)

Rx+ 225/155

Note: For the shuttle run, run forward to the line, touch the ground past the line and then comeback backward. That is 2 reps


Clean and jerk primer

Power cleans


Clean pulls @100% of 1RM


Acc work
Weighted good mornings

We’re proud to announce that Coach Listro, (Antonio) will be joining the ranks of CrossFit Pyro coach. Antonio joined Pyro November of 2016 and comes with a lifelong experience in fitness, high school football, Kinesiology degree from university of Western Ontario in 2002 and was part of the university rowing team. He’s also a professional firefighter with the city of Calgary since 2007 and have been on the aquatic rescue team since 2009. He’s been an avid skier since age 3, plays hockey frequently and is the amazing father of little Isabella. You will see Antonio co-coaching this month from time to time at various classes and start leading classes soon. Please welcome him to the rank of coach. We couldn’t be more exited to have Antonio be part of our team. Give him a warm welcome as he will be co-coaching the noon class today.

The Pyro competition tshirt will go in at the end of next week. Thursday January 18th will be the last day to put your order in. This is a special edition tshirt and we won’t doing a lot of those so if you want yours, this is your chance. We won’t be getting a quote until we know exactly how many we order. It shouldn’t be more than 40$, it will probably be less as there will be less colours on the design. It will look very similar to the CrossFit games shirts but with more awesome Pyro logos and numbers. The order sheet will be by the white board tomorrow first thing. Again, if you don’t order yours on this order, we won’t be doing another one anytime soon.



Note: All working sets above 60% of 1 rep max deadlift


5 rounds for time:

50 double unders
10 ring push ups
5 V-ups

The 2017 Pyro Athlete of the year is Jenn Bos! Congratulations! The Athlete of the year was voted by you, the community. Somebody that inspires you, somebody that was true to the Pyro values, somebody that you would look up too, somebody that you’re always happy to see in class. We couldn’t agree more. For the vote, we only asked that you write down the name on the piece of paper but a lot of you took the time to say why, here are some of the comments:

“Jenn is so Bos, hard working and always encouraging others”

“To me, Jenn Bos consistently proves to show the values of a CrossFit athlete. Not only does she work hard with a stubborn determination, but she is probably the friendliest and the most supportive person at the box. She is so deserving this”

“Jenn is great at making a community. No one was more welcoming when I started than Jenn. Jenn always shows up and gives her all!”

“Works on herself. Works on the community. Cares for everyone”

“Not only she is dedicated but she made me feel welcome to this group”

Congrats Jenn, well deserved, we couldn’t be more proud. Your name will be added to the plaque by the white board asap and you get to created your own workout for us to do. So exiting!!!

Skills 10min

Handstand/ handstand walk practice

Burpee (Bur-pee) noun

1. Cardio purgatory
2. A particularly nasty
squat/push up/jump movement
that NO ONE is exited about and
the trainers smirk about having you to do
3. A CrossFit staple and
attempted homicide


7min AMRAP

*To a 6inch target above reach

5min rest

5min AMRAP
Box facing burpees 24/20

3min rest

3min AMRAP
Burpee pull ups

*Rx+: Burpee ring muscle ups

Note: Nobody ever died of too many burpees


Snatch primer

Power snatch


Snatch pulls @100% of 1RM

5 sets
5 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
30 GHD sit ups

For time:


Axel bar thrusters 95/65
Cals bike

How many of you will do this?

Last day to cast your vote for the athlete of the year today. If you can’t be at Pyro tomorrow and haven’t voted yet, just send us and email and we’ll put it in for you. We’ll be unveiling the 2018 athlete of the year Tuesday night. The athlete of the year will get his/her name on the plaque by the white the board and gets to create his/her own workout for us to do. We’ll be redoing the 2017 athlete of the year workout, Scott Regier next Sunday as our workout of the day.

Squat cycle W8D1

6 sets
2 front squats
4 back squats
@90% of 1RM front squat

Note: This is going to be heavy, this is our heaviest day of the cycle, day 2 of this week will be at 85% then we go back down for a deload week (65 and 60%) before testing. For this session, there will be no other components, we will need more time between sets and more time to warm up to be successful. We’ll reserve the rest of the session to a much needed maintenance and mobility time.

For your information, we’ll be doing the CrossFit total (1 rep max for shoulder press, back squat and deadlift for a combined score) early February. This is why you’ll see a lot of shoulder press, back squat and deadlift in the programming. This is what we call a meso training cycle, typically 3 to 4 weeks in length. We started already last week, if you remember the 5×3 shoulder press workout and the deadlift ladder. Let’s get some PRs!!!


20min AMRAP

3 rounds of “CINDY”

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
1 round of “DT”

12 deadlifts 155/105
9 hang power cleans 155/105
6 shoulder to overhead 155/105
Note: BOOM!

Target intensity: 4-5 rounds

Join us at 12pm for our intro to CrossFit. Free to attend, no pressure, no obligations. Come learn what CrossFit is all about and get a good workout in. This is for absolutely everyone. Expect the session to be about 1 hour and 15min, all depends on questions and how many people we have. It’s gonna be a lot of fun!


Backward press walk

3 sets
3 Ring dips, bottom hold + 3 swing
3 Ring dips, support hold + 3 swing


Every minute on the minute
1 strict pull up
2 kipping pull ups
3 toes to bar

*add 1 rep of each after each successful round

Accumulate 3min of hollow position hold


Snatch + clean and jerk primer


Clean and jerk

Push press

Acc work

GHD sit ups
Hip extensions


As a team
For time:

1000 cals bike

*The more that shows up, the less we have to do each, let’s do this. (If there’s 10 of us, it’s 100 cals each)


Squat “ISABEL”

For time:

30 squat snatch

Scaled: 95/65
Rx: 135/95
Unpleasant: 165/115
Nightmare: 185/135

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