The Pyro competition tshirt/tank special edition order went in. We should be getting it in the 1st week of February

Registrations for the Festivus Games are coming in fast, lots of athletes from Pyro and other boxes coming. This is a friendly competition for everyone and it’s going to be a blast. If you never competed and are looking for a great experience, you should totally sign up. Again, this is for absolutely everyone. It’s not about winning or how you compare with others, it’s about the challenge, pushing yourself, completing all the workouts, really rewarding. Sign up here:

Athlete Registration

Last week of the squat cycle. You did it, now it’s time to test our maxes. Front squat today and back squat Friday. Sandwiched by “The other total” on Wednesday. 1rep max clean, bench press and overhead squat. CrossFit total is Sunday February 4th.

The 2017 Athlete of the year, Jenn Bos’s workout is Sunday January 28th. Jenn put together a great workout for us, you don’t want to miss it. Hint, there’s handstand walk in it!!!

15min to find 1 rep max front squat


For time:
3 rounds
4 power snatch 95/65
8 overhead lunges steps 95/65
3 rounds
3 power snatch 115/85
6 overhead lunges steps 115/85
3 rounds
2 power snatch 135/95
4 overhead lunges steps 135/95

Note: Scale the weight accordingly. Target time frame, 5 to 10min

Team of 3:

25min AMRAP

Partner 1
Row for cals

Partner 2 and 3
6 clean and jerks 135/95
12 synchronized situps
24 box jump overs 24/20

Score is total cals and reps together. Switch as needed for the clean and jerk and the box jump overs. Rotate all partners between the rower and the movements. Rotation can only be done after a full round.

Note: Use the strength of you team to be more effective. If a teammate is better at clean and jerk, he or she could do more reps, same for box jumps. A teammate good at rowing could stay on the rower for more time as well. Aim to do 3 to 4 rounds before rotating on the rower

Team workouts are the perfect example of what CrossFit is about, community, team work, having fun and getting fitter in the process. No matter who you’re teaming with, you’ll have a good workout, it doesn’t matter what your score is as a team, it doesn’t matter if one of you’re teammate scaled, it doesn’t matter if your teammate is slower than you on the situps or use a different weight on the bar, what matters is that you give your best. If you give an all out effort, you will get better, you’ll have fun and you will be rewarded with the satisfaction of being part of something. BOOM!


Hollow/Arch/Beat swings

For quality (not for time)

Ring dips
False grip ring rows

Handstand push ups
Toes to bar

Push ups
Pull ups

Note: If any of those movements are too easy, upscale by going strict or add deficit. Scale as needed

Snatch/Clean and jerk primer


Clean and jerk

Push press

Acc work
40 GHD sit ups
40 back extensions

15min EMOM
1min 2 rope climbs
1min 10-15 thrusters 95/65
1min 30 double unders

Not for time:
15 ring or bar muscle ups


CrossFit games open 18 point zero
For time:
Dumbbell snatch 50/35
Burpees over the dumbbell

*Snatch can only be switched below eye level
*Burpees are feet together, no step back or step forward

Target time: All out, 5-8min

Last day of the squat cycle before testing, let’s do this. The PRs are coming!!

Squat cycle W9D2 (Deload)

6 sets
2 front squats
4 back squats
@60% of 1RM


Death by shoulder press 95/65

Minute 1, 1 shoulder press
Minute 2, 2 shoulder press
Minute 3, 3 shoulder press

Continue until you can no longer perform all the reps in the required timeframe

Note: Scale the weight as needed. Target intent, between 5 and 10 minutes (15 to 55 reps)

Last day to preorder your special edition Pyro competition tshirt/tank. Get it!

Coach Dave’s birthday wod:

For reps:

36min AMRAP

36 wall balls 20/14
36 burpees
36 pull ups
36 overhead lunges steps 95/65
36 push ups
36 DB snatch alt 50/35
36 toes to bar
36 thrusters 95/65
36 double unders
36 cals row

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Note: If you finish the chipper completely, start over at the wall balls


Power cleans


Clean pulls @100% of 1RM clean and jerk


Acc work
1 arm dumbbell press

Reminder: last day to order your Pyro competition shirt/tank special edition is Thursday night

The Festivus Games registration is live. This is a competition for everyone and the workouts are super fun and accessible. Register here:

Athlete Registration

Pull ups

Snatch balance

Note: Don’t go crazy on the weight, work on technique and getting under the bar. This is also part of the warm up for the overhead squats


Overhead squats



10-15min full body stretch and roll
Mid week solid maintenance work. Time to reset the body, put everything back in place and get ready for Thursday’s workout: Coach David’s birthday workout

Have you registered for the Open yet? When you do sign up, because you will and everybody is doing it, make sure to join team Pyro. Here’s the link:

The Pyro competition special edition shirt/Tank order is going in Friday. The last day to reserve yours is Thursday at 9pm. We’re close to 40 orders so far, this is awesome!


Open 15.3

14min AMRAP

7 ring muscle ups
50 wall balls 20/14
100 double unders

5min rest

14min to find to your 3RM deadlift

Note: After today’s workout, chances are you won’t PR your 3RM deadlift and that’s ok, that’s not the point. You’ll be tired, exhausted and you’ll get a couple set near your max capacity. Be smart, listen to your body and have fun. If you technique starts to break, stop, this is not worth breaking our backs to win the board


Power snatch


Snatch pulls @100% of 1RM

5 sets
5 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
Couch stretch 2min a side

The CrossFit Games Open is going to be huge at Pyro. Not sure what it’s all about, check the attached video. This is for everyone and everyone should sign up. Let’s do this!!

Have you guys forgot about the floater wod? (Only 2 guys did it last week). The floater wod is there to allow us to use some of the equipment that we can’t normally program in regular classes. Like the air bike, ball slams, axel bar like last week for example, also it serves as extra conditioning. Obviously, anybody can come to open gym and do something, in the case of the floater wod, it’s something that we can all do, as a team. Personally, Just looking at the board and seeing other guy’s scores give me something to chase and work for. The floater is meant to be done anytime during the week. We’re aiming for something between 5 to 10 minutes. We write the workout on the small board by stereo system. Make sure to have a look. As usual, scale as needed.

4 rounds for time:
16 cals air bike
14 burpees
12 dumbbell power snatch 80/50

This week’s workout allow us to work our conditioning on the bike (again), get more efficient at the burpees (always) and get some heavy dumbbell power snatches (Yeah!!). Just pick something heavy, as long as it’s not comfortable

Last day to order your limited edition comp tshirt/tank top is Thursday at 9pm. The order is going in Friday.

Mark your calendar: We’re doing the CrossFit total (1 rep max shoulder press, back squat, deadlift) Sunday February 4th. This is really good to do this benchmark at least once a year to measure your progress. See how much you improve from year to year

Squat cycle W9D1 (deload)
6 sets
2 front squats
4 back squats
@65% of 1RM front squats

Note: Last week of the squat cycle before testing. 65% for day one, 60% for day two, this meant to be lighter, ease off on the joint, allow our muscle to rebuild and get stronger


3 rounds for reps:

3min AMRAP
3 strict pull ups
6 push ups
9 kettlebell swings 53/35

1min rest between rounds

Rx+ kettlebell at 70/53

Note: We might be tight on kettlebells for this workout. The Rx+ would offer something similar for the intent but allow more options for weight. If you think you can get a couple rounds unbroken with a heavier weight go for it

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