Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to sign up for classes, it takes literally 10 seconds. It gives the attendance and coaches a heads up on who’s coming to classes. Also, if you get to sign up for a class and it’s packed, try your best to come to another time. Sundays at 10am for example are getting jammed but the 9am and 11am are still half full. If you can only come at those times it’s all good but we just want you to keep it in the back of your mind.

The festivus Games is gearing up to be EPIC!! New registrations coming in daily. Make sure to secure your spot. Here’s the link:

Athlete Registration

The Open is right around the corner, are you registered yet? Do it today:


Skipping rope/ double unders
Review technique and efficiency points

Tabata double unders

Note: If you can’t do double unders, single unders will do just fine


Open workout 11.6

7min AMRAP

3 thrusters 100/65
3 chest to bar pull ups
6 thrusters 100/65
6 chest to bar pull ups

Keep adding 3 reps after each successful rounds until time runs out

Note: Notice the 100/65, that’s not a mistake, this is an old Open workout where back in the day, 100lbs was the standard.


Last week of this weightlifting cycle, we’ll be doing the snatch testing next Tuesday and the clean and jerk next Thursday. Saturday will be a fun lifting wod. Next cycle will start again right after for 4 weeks leading right to the Open. Fun times!!

Warm up
Snatch primer

Power snatch


Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM snatch

4 sets
3 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
Snatch grip sots press

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