Team of 3:

25min AMRAP

Partner 1
Row for cals

Partner 2 and 3
6 clean and jerks 135/95
12 synchronized situps
24 box jump overs 24/20

Score is total cals and reps together. Switch as needed for the clean and jerk and the box jump overs. Rotate all partners between the rower and the movements. Rotation can only be done after a full round.

Note: Use the strength of you team to be more effective. If a teammate is better at clean and jerk, he or she could do more reps, same for box jumps. A teammate good at rowing could stay on the rower for more time as well. Aim to do 3 to 4 rounds before rotating on the rower

Team workouts are the perfect example of what CrossFit is about, community, team work, having fun and getting fitter in the process. No matter who you’re teaming with, you’ll have a good workout, it doesn’t matter what your score is as a team, it doesn’t matter if one of you’re teammate scaled, it doesn’t matter if your teammate is slower than you on the situps or use a different weight on the bar, what matters is that you give your best. If you give an all out effort, you will get better, you’ll have fun and you will be rewarded with the satisfaction of being part of something. BOOM!

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