Have you registered for the Open yet? When you do sign up, because you will and everybody is doing it, make sure to join team Pyro. Here’s the link:


The Pyro competition special edition shirt/Tank order is going in Friday. The last day to reserve yours is Thursday at 9pm. We’re close to 40 orders so far, this is awesome!


Open 15.3

14min AMRAP

7 ring muscle ups
50 wall balls 20/14
100 double unders

5min rest

14min to find to your 3RM deadlift

Note: After today’s workout, chances are you won’t PR your 3RM deadlift and that’s ok, that’s not the point. You’ll be tired, exhausted and you’ll get a couple set near your max capacity. Be smart, listen to your body and have fun. If you technique starts to break, stop, this is not worth breaking our backs to win the board


Power snatch


Snatch pulls @100% of 1RM

5 sets
5 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
Couch stretch 2min a side

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