We’re proud to announce that Coach Listro, (Antonio) will be joining the ranks of CrossFit Pyro coach. Antonio joined Pyro November of 2016 and comes with a lifelong experience in fitness, high school football, Kinesiology degree from university of Western Ontario in 2002 and was part of the university rowing team. He’s also a professional firefighter with the city of Calgary since 2007 and have been on the aquatic rescue team since 2009. He’s been an avid skier since age 3, plays hockey frequently and is the amazing father of little Isabella. You will see Antonio co-coaching this month from time to time at various classes and start leading classes soon. Please welcome him to the rank of coach. We couldn’t be more exited to have Antonio be part of our team. Give him a warm welcome as he will be co-coaching the noon class today.

The Pyro competition tshirt will go in at the end of next week. Thursday January 18th will be the last day to put your order in. This is a special edition tshirt and we won’t doing a lot of those so if you want yours, this is your chance. We won’t be getting a quote until we know exactly how many we order. It shouldn’t be more than 40$, it will probably be less as there will be less colours on the design. It will look very similar to the CrossFit games shirts but with more awesome Pyro logos and numbers. The order sheet will be by the white board tomorrow first thing. Again, if you don’t order yours on this order, we won’t be doing another one anytime soon.



Note: All working sets above 60% of 1 rep max deadlift


5 rounds for time:

50 double unders
10 ring push ups
5 V-ups

     © 2016 CrossFit Pyro

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