Just planting stuff in your minds:
Festivus games
CrossFit Open
Pyromania III

Pull ups 3×5


10min EMOM alt min

2 ninja get ups
2 pull overs


“No barbells in sight”

7 rounds for time:

3 forward rolls
6 box jumps 36/30
9 handstand push ups

Registration and all the details for Pyromania III Wednesday. Pyromania III is going to be absolutely epic. Our biggest competition yet, multiple divisions, same sex partner, 3 days of awesome events, vendors, sponsors, massage therapists, food, drinks, musics, professional photography, professional videographer, everything you would expect from a world class event, except that is going to be at our gym, with our community and we’ll be sharing this with other communities. Best of all, this is a competition for EVERYONE! Literally, if you can walk, you can do this. The workouts and the movements will be for all skills level. How is this possible you ask? The art is the programming. Again, everything you need to know Wednesday. Stay tuned!

The Open is 23 days away! Have you signed up yet? Forget about your performance, forget about your rank on the leaderboard, it’s about you giving your best, being part of the biggest fitness event in the world, it’s about being part of the community. It’s going to be just like any other workouts at Pyro except that you will get a judge counting your reps and reinforcing proper range of motion. Today’s workout is to give everyone a taste of what the Open is going to be like. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You can do the workout Rx (as prescribed) or scaled. You will perform the workout and somebody in the class will judge you, then we’ll switch roles. Performing a workout while being judged is a bit different but from all things, it’s great to have somebody counting the reps for you. Judging is a demanding job, it requires you to be focus and to be strict in reinforcing the movement standards, in the end, if a rep didn’t hit the standards, that’s just a no rep. As an athlete being judged, always show respect to your judge, that goes for any competitions as well. Always perform a few reps before the workout with your judge and make sure you’re both on the same page. To sign up for the Open, follow the link below:

Pyro 2018 Open prep:

12min AMRAP
10 deadlifts
10 bar facing burpees
30 double unders

Deadlifts ladder: 135/95 185/135 225/155 275/185 315/225 365/255 405/285

12min AMRAP
10 deadlifts
10 bar facing burpees
30 single unders

Deadlift ladder: 95/65 135/95 155/105 185/135 205/145 225/155 245/175

Note: For this workout, after each successful round, the athlete will load the barbell with the next weight for the respective ladder (Rx or scaled). The judge is not allowed to help the athlete with unloading or loading the barbell. Collar must be used for this workout. If the athlete completes the ladder, the last weight (405/285, 245/175) will be used until the time is up (good on you if you get there haha)

Deadlift standards: Bar starts on the ground, finishes with shoulder behind the bar with knees, hips full extended and the body in straight line, the bar can be dropped between reps. The bar cannot be bounced on the ground when doing multiple reps
Bar facing burpees standards: chest to the ground (sternum and higher makes contact), facing the barbell, 90 degrees, jumps over the barbell with a 2 feet take off and lands on 2 feet
Double unders standards: The rope goes twice under the feet with one jump
Single unders standards: The rope goes once under the feet, 2 feet jumps required


Snatch Primer

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Acc work
GHD sit ups
Hip extension

We just finished a 8 week cycle, time to see where we’re at. Clean and jerk Tuesday. Saturday will be a fun day, complex and a barbell cycling wod. Next cycle start next week for 8 weeks. Time to go back to basics, technique focus on the 1st 2 weeks, there will be lots high hang, hang pull movements, snatch balance, skills to get better at getting under the bar, more barbell cycling and complexes, really excited about the next cycle.

5 rounds for time:

15 cals bike

12 dumbbell deadlifts 50/35
9 dumbbell hang power cleans 50/35
6 thrusters 50/35

The CrossFit total is Sunday February 4th. Time to test our maxes. Let’s PR this thing


Front squat





For time:
50 med ball walking lunges 20/14
40 med ball cleans 20/14
30 med ball situps 20/14
20 wall balls 20/14 11/10ft
10 med ball pull ups 20/14

Note: The wall balls are at a higher target for this workout. For the med ball pull ups, ball between your legs, just like a weighted pull up

The Athlete of the year was voted by you. Somebody that displayed daily the core values of Pyro.
Honor • Dignity • Loyalty • Teamwork • Integrity • Respect • Discipline • Determination
Somebody to look up to. Somebody that is synonym with hard work. Essentially, this is somebody that makes what Pyro is. Jenn fully deserves that title. Come join us today for her workout:

2017 Athlete of the year workout (Jenn Bos)

“The Bos”

For time:

Buy in: 40 burpees


4 rounds of:
20 dumbbell power snatch 50/35
20ft handstand walk
20 toes to bar
20ft handstand walk


Buy out: 40 wall balls 20/14

Join us Sunday for the 2017 Athlete of the year (Jenn Bos) workout!! Classes at 9/10 and open gym/CrossFit lite at 11. This is going to be awesome. Please remember to sign up and try to come at less busy classes. We shouldn’t have 5 at 9am and then 300 at 10am. “The world belongs to those who get up early”


Beat swing
Toes to bar
Pull ups/chest to bar pull ups
Bar muscle ups

10min EMOM alt
L-sit hold
Handstand hold


For time:

Chest to bar pull ups


Snatch/ Clean and jerk primer


Clean and jerk

Push press

Back squat


1min max bar muscle ups

Note: You cannot come off the bar, you can hang or rest at the top

2min rest

9min to find max hang squat snatch


9min AMRAP

9 hang power cleans 95/65
15 push ups
21 box jumps 24/20

Score is total reps

Note: For this workout, you will use a judge. Consider this an open prep workout, get used to the range of motion, being accountable for good and bad reps and such. This is going to be super fun!!!

The Festivus Games at Pyro is Saturday April 21st. 22 athletes registered so far with 3 months to go, this is going to be so much fun!!! This is an individual, super friendly, for everyone competition. When we say it’s for everyone, this is exactly what it means. Have a look at the link below for the workouts. The workouts are accessible and doable by everyone, with experience or not, even if you don’t like competition. You have to see this like a challenge, it’s not about winning or your rank on the leaderboard, it’s all about being part of it, doing your best and having fun.
Here’s the link for the workouts:

Festivus Games WODs

Here’s the link to sign up:

Athlete Registration

The 2018 CrossFit Games Open is right around the corner. The Open starts Thursday February 22nd and goes for 5 weeks. The workouts will be posted every Thursday night and you’ll have 5 days, until Monday 5pm to perform and enter your score. Over 300,000 athletes did it last year, this is the CrossFit event of the year. This is also the 1st stage to qualify for the CrossFit Games. Less than 1% advance to regionals and then 1% of that makes it to the games. But just like the Festivus games, the Open is not about your rank, how you perform or qualifying to the next stage, it’s about you, doing your best, being part of it, doing things you never thought capable of. Just like any other workouts at Pyro, there will be Rx and Scaled. Pull ups become jumping pull ups, double unders become single unders, loads are scaled down, this is truly for everyone. Some of you won’t be comfortable with it and that’s exactly why you should sign up. If it makes you uncomfortable, this is where you’re going to have the most to adapt and therefore get the most results. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. We’ll have some surprises regarding the Open soon. Stay tuned

Here’s the link to sing up:


15min to find 1RM back squat

Note: This week has been hard on the testing, front squat Monday, the other total on Wednesday with the clean, bench and overhead squat and today back squat. We’re also doing the CrossFit total on Sunday February 4th so today is your time hit a good number and get a good idea where you’re at. Whatever your front squat was on Monday, aim for at least 15% more on the back squat (your front squat should be about 85% of your back squat).


Death by push press 115/85
Min 1, 1 rep
Min 2, 2 reps
Min 3, 3 reps
Min 4, 4 reps

Add 1 rep every minute until you can no longer complete all the reps in the minute. Your score is your total reps completed
Example: Minute 10 + 5 reps in the 11th minute completed = 55 reps + 5 = 60 reps total

Thursday January 24th
The 2017 Athlete of the year (AOTY) workout is this Sunday. Jenn put together an awesome workout for us. You don’t want to miss it


Handstand 10min

Note: Work on anything handstand, get inverted and work handstand hold, handstand push ups or handstand walk


4 rounds for time: 2 min rest btw rounds

6 inverted burpees
4 kettlebell hang power snatch right 53/35
2 kettlebell turkish get ups right 53/35
4 kettlebell hang power snatch left 53/35
2 kettlebell turkish get ups left 53/35
1 legless rope climb

Score is your time to complete all 4 rounds with the 2min btw rounds

Note: This workout is going to be extremely awesome!!!


Clean and jerk primer

5 sets
1 power clean + 1 jerk


Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Push press

Acc work

GHD sit ups

“The other total”

Max clean
Max bench press
Max overhead squats

15min per movement

Note: have fun with this one. Chances are you’ve never done this benchmark before so give a good effort, have fun, set your score and get ready to crush it again in 6 months.

Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to sign up for classes, it takes literally 10 seconds. It gives the attendance and coaches a heads up on who’s coming to classes. Also, if you get to sign up for a class and it’s packed, try your best to come to another time. Sundays at 10am for example are getting jammed but the 9am and 11am are still half full. If you can only come at those times it’s all good but we just want you to keep it in the back of your mind.

The festivus Games is gearing up to be EPIC!! New registrations coming in daily. Make sure to secure your spot. Here’s the link:

Athlete Registration

The Open is right around the corner, are you registered yet? Do it today:


Skipping rope/ double unders
Review technique and efficiency points

Tabata double unders

Note: If you can’t do double unders, single unders will do just fine


Open workout 11.6

7min AMRAP

3 thrusters 100/65
3 chest to bar pull ups
6 thrusters 100/65
6 chest to bar pull ups

Keep adding 3 reps after each successful rounds until time runs out

Note: Notice the 100/65, that’s not a mistake, this is an old Open workout where back in the day, 100lbs was the standard.


Last week of this weightlifting cycle, we’ll be doing the snatch testing next Tuesday and the clean and jerk next Thursday. Saturday will be a fun lifting wod. Next cycle will start again right after for 4 weeks leading right to the Open. Fun times!!

Warm up
Snatch primer

Power snatch


Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM snatch

4 sets
3 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat

Acc work
Snatch grip sots press

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