Pyro will be closed January 1st, back to regular schedule Tuesday.

“Goodbye 2017”

For time:

20 cals row
17 burpees
20 box jumps 24/20
17 hand release push ups
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
17 burpee box overs 24/20
20 overhead lunges steps 95/65
17 knees to elbows
20 thrusters 95/65
17 pull ups
20 front rack lunges steps 95/65
17 cals row

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

New year’s schedule:

Sunday December 31st: Regular hours
Monday January 1st: Closed
Tuesday January 2nd: Regular schedule (Squat cycle is back)


10min EMOM alt min
Handstand work (hold, push up, kipping push up, wherever you’re at, work at it)
Pistols work (Mobility work, strength)

10min EMOM alt min
10 single arm ring row (5 each side)
5 strict ring dips

5 rounds not for time:

1 strict toes to bar
1 strict toes to bar 3sec hold
1 strict pull up
1 strict pull up 3sec hold
10 hip touches

Finisher: Accumulate 2min of hang time on pull up bar


Clean and jerk
Push press
Double overhand deadlifts


“The Lyon”

5 rounds, each for time:

7 squat cleans 165/115
7 shoulder to overhead 165/115
7 burpees chest to bar pull ups

2min rest between rounds

Note: Bar must be at 6inches above reach

Capt. David Lyon, 28, of Sandpoint, Idaho, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Dec. 27, 2013. Lyon was a member of the 21st Logistics Readiness Squadron at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

He was a 2008 graduate of the Air Force Academy, where he became well known for his athleticism, leadership and strength of character. He was a sports standout in high school and at the Academy, and while serving in the Air Force, he inspired many to start CrossFit.

He is survived by his wife, Capt. Dana Lyon, and many other friends and family members


Squat cycle W6D2

6 sets
3 front squats
6 back squats
@75% of 1RM front squat


6min AMRAP

30 double unders
3 bar muscle ups


6min AMRAP

30 single unders high jump
3 strict pull ups


20min AMRAP

10 box jumps 36/30
15 single arm dumbbell overhead squat 50/35
20 GHD situps

Note: BOOM!


Clean and jerk skills primer

5 sets
Power clean + jerk


Clean pulls @100 of 1RM

Bench press

Pendlay row

For time:
50 burpees
50 push ups (chest to ground you cheaters)
50 squats
50 situps (full situps)

Note: You can do this anywhere, anytime, no equipment required, no excuses, just do it and post times here

Squat cycle W6D1
6 sets
3 front squats
6 back squats

@80% or 1RM front squat

Note: The squat cycle is getting harder and harder, we’ll spend at least 5min per sets from now on to make sure we recover enough between sets. The 1st day of each week is going to get hard so we’ll keep it on it’s own or just add a skill session with it. Also, the body is getting tight from all the squats so we need to stretch it out.


Full body stretch 10-15min

Classes at 9 and 10am, open gym at 11am until noon.

“Boxing day wod”

3 rounds for reps:

1min single unders
1min 1-2,1-2, switch
1min under/over uppercut
1min sit ups
1min burpees

1min rest

Note: 1-2,1-2, switch is 1 rep. (Jab, straight, jab, straight and switch footing). Under/over uppercut is going under the rope and come out on the other side with an uppercut. Sit ups are regular standards, shoulder past the hip.


There is no weightlifting classes today but for the most dedicated, come to the open gym and get it done

Snatch skills primer

Power snatch


Snatch pulls (touch and go, no drops, not even the last rep)

Acc work
GHD sit ups
Back extension

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

No classes today, back at it Tuesday morning at 9 and 10am for a special boxing day workout. This is going to be super fun!!

“Boxing day wod”

3 rounds for reps:

1min single unders
1min 1-2,1-2, switch
1min under/over uppercut
1min sit ups
1min burpees

1min rest

Note: 1-2,1-2, switch is 1 rep. (Jab, straight, jab, straight and switch footing). Under/over uppercut is going under the rope and come out on the other side with an uppercut. Sit ups are regular standards, shoulder past the hip.

**Pyro Christmas gift exchange**. Come to the 9am or 10am class and bring a gift wrapped wod. Your workout should be simple, around 10min and fun. Something like a 8min AMRAP of “Cindy” would be good for example. Easy to scale and doesn’t require a million piece of equipment. The rules are simple. We’ll do a draw, when your name comes out you can pick a gift under the Christmas three or take somebody else’s gift. If you decide to open your gift you have to keep it and you can only trade once.

Pyro will be closed on Christmas day.

There will be a special boxing day workout on Tuesday December 26th. Classes at 9am, 10am and open gym at 11am.

The squat program will be on Wednesday and Friday.

The Christmas gift exchange is December 24th at 9 and 10. Don’t forget your gift wrapped wod. See you all there!!


12min EMOM alt min

3 false grip ring chest to bar pull ups
3 ring muscle up transitions
3 strict ring dips

Note: Ring pull ups can be ring rows, muscle transitions can be with feet on the ground or bands, ring dips can be the bands as well. Let work at it, make it challenging


Not for time:

60ft handstand walk
50 pistols
40 pull ups
30 handstand push ups
20 strict knees to elbows
10 pull overs



Clean and jerk

Push press

Acc work

GHD sit ups

Back extensions



26min AMRAP

6 deadlifts 315/225 (each)
9 synchronized bar facing burpees
55ft partner barbell carry

Operator Cpl. Kevin van de Rijdt, 26, of the Netherlands, died Sept. 6, 2009, during heavy combat in Afghanistan. He was a member of Special Forces (Korps Commando Troepen) Task Force 55 within the Netherlands Armed Forces. Van de Rijdt was an avid CrossFit athlete and instructor in Venlo, Netherlands. His favorite movements included deadlifts, bar muscle-ups and partner bar-facing burpees. He is survived by his father, Paul; his mother, Karin; his sister, Wendy; his godchild; and many colleagues and friends.

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