The 2017 athlete of the year vote is well under way, don’t forget to put your vote in. The athlete of the year is a member elected by us, somebody that inspires you, somebody that always works hard, is consistent, has a positive attitude, somebody that you look up to, somebody you’re alway happy to see in your class, somebody that reflects the values of Pyro:

Honor • Dignity • Loyalty • Teamwork • Integrity • Respect • Discipline • Determination

The athlete of the year will receive it’s own workout, dedicated to him/her and will have his/her name on the plaque by the white board. The athlete of the year 2016 was Scott Regier. The 2018 athlete of the year will be unveiled just after new years

Many Pyro teams will be at the western classic. Find a partner and join us. The competition is held at the stampeded ground February 10th and 11th.

The individuals super friendly competition Festivus games is coming to Pyro Saturday April 21st. Sign up at the link below:

Athlete Registration

Pyromania III fitness festival dates have been announced, save the date, this is going to be absolutely EPIC. You don’t want to miss out. July 20th, 21st and 22nd. That’s right, 3 days of awesomeness

Squat cycle W4D1
5 sets
4 front squats
8 back squats

@approx 70% of 1RM front squat

Note: Week 4 of 10, hang tight, it’s gonna be worth it. The loads are getting heavier every week. stick with it


8min AMRAP

4 ring dips
8 dumbbell power snatch 50/35
16 situps

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