Friendly reminders:

Sign in for classes
Listen to your coach in class. From the warm to the cool down
Make sure to clean after yourself when done. Wipe off the equipment you just used

Squat cycle W1D2
4 sets of 7 front squats, 13 back squats

Make sure to get the percentages sheet. If you don’t have one yet, we have the sheet on the computer at the box. The weight is at 55% of 1RM front squat
Note: Approx 1 set every 5min. 20min top for the squats


3min AMRAP
Hang dumbbell power cleans 50/35

3min rest

3min AMRAP
Box facing burpees 24/20

3min rest

3min AMRAP
Dumbbell power snatch 50/35 alt side

Score is total reps for all the AMRAPS combined

Have you signed up for the Rogue Liftoff? Link below:


12min AMRAP

3 power snatch 135/95
6 clean and jerk 135/95
9 chest to bar pull ups
54 double unders

Note: Are you sick of double unders yet? Good, get better at it and you’ll love them😜


Power snatch


Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Note: Heavy singles this week but don’t max out. Aim for 90% of 1RM on your last sets

Acc work

Hip extension

GHD sit ups

5min AMRAP

50 D-ball cleans (over the shoulder) 100/70
Max cals air bike

Score is total reps, D-balls and bike together. We might not finish all the D-balls for this one

Ex: All 50 D-balls + 15 cals score = 65reps

Here’s the start of the 7-13 squat cycle for the next 10 weeks. Do you have what it takes to do it all? Do whatever it takes to complete both days of the program per week for the next 10 weeks.
Squat cycle week 1 day 1

4 sets
7 front squats
Then rack the bar and immediately perform
13 back squats

The bar is at the same weight for all 4 sets
Bar at 60% of 1RM front squat

Make sure to download the spread sheet, enter your 1 rep max front squat in the top box, print it, show up to do the work, execute and PR. BOOM, simple as that. For those on the facebook community page, we shared a copy there. If you’re not on facebook community page, send us an email at and we’ll send it to you asap. You absolutely need the spreadsheet for this program. Also, we’ll have the sheet on the computer at Pyro so it will be easy to print it front there using your data.

No metcon for today. Lets get a good warm up, focus on good squats sets and cool down stretch. Besides, if you’ve done Sunday’s workout, you’ll need some rest on the old nervous system. The squat sets are 20 reps each for 80 reps total, this won’t be a walk in the park by any means.

This is going to be so fun!!

The running workshop was awesome, expect to see a lot of running drills and running wods from that. Sweet skillz to everyone that participated!!!

*Partner up*

15min to find 1RM front squat

Score is total for the team

Example: Partner 1 200lbs, partner 2 185lbs. Score is 385

Note: 10 weeks squat cycle starting Monday. The cycle is based on our front squat. If you haven’t done it in a while, it might be a good time to figure it out. If you can’t make it tomorrow and haven’t done it in a while, start the cycle with your last 1RM and adjust the weight during the cycle. Chances are, if you haven’t done it a while, it’s safe to add 10lbs to your max for the cycle. Reminder, the squat cycle will be part of the regular programming, every Monday and Wednesday, for 10 weeks. This is going to be well worth it, having stronger legs will help you in every aspect of life and will definitely gets you better in the workouts. Better in the workouts equals more gainz overall, more fitness. I say again, GAINZ!!!


“Froning/Fraser vs the world”

10 rounds (each, alternating every round, 20 rounds total)

50 double unders
15 toes to bar
5 bench press 225/155

Note: Aim for a 30min workout. About 1:30 per round or 3min per 2 rounds (you and your partner). The bench press is going to be heavy, that’s 50 reps each so scale accordingly. This is meant to be a challenging weight so don’t get surprised if you ended breaking your sets in singles towards the end.

Speed development and running workshop with Tiffeny Parker at 10am until 12pm

25$ for members, can be paid through RhinoFit or cash
35$ for non members, cash only

Outline for Workshop:

Sprinting & Start Positions

Start: Station overview and foundation background

Lecture: Importance of the components of sprinting, positions & impact on athletic performance

Warm Up: Dynamic sprinting warm up, mobility

Workout 1: Stride rate/ stride length/ force production testing…

Workout Summary: The dynamic warm-up progression for the CrossFit athlete. Applying force.

Lecture: Stride rate adaptation. Developing body awareness and positions for efficient movement.

Workout 2: Movement of upper body, Sprint drills, Ballistic & Plyo reaction workout, learning the start positions.

Workout Summary: Positions + Stride rate, length, and the amount of force produced and applied = Speed.

Lecture: Starting stance, types start positions, weight distribution &mechanics.

Workout 3: Sprint test

Cool Down:

Q&A and closing remarks, & participant seminar assessment.

Learning Objectives:

Positions: Running positions for optimal results & the “Start” body positions to maximize energy systems and power.
What is speed : what factors and drills allow you to develop pure speed and proper running form.
Forces created by counterbalance : How to use your body as a means of starting and continuing speed.
The Dynamic Warm-up: How to effectively prime your engine and body to efficiently utilize your energy systems while limiting risk of injury. Sprint drills will also help with adaptation of developing speed because all 3 comments work simultaneously.
Running Mechanics

Speed development and running technique workshop with Tiffeny Parker is Saturday November 18th, 10am to 12pm. 25$ for members, 35$ for non members

The Rogue Liftoff is December 2nd and 3rd, sign up online at


10min to find 2RM deadlifts

Rest 5min

10min AMRAP

1 power clean
5 wall balls 20/14
2 power cleans
10 wall balls 20/14

Keep adding 1 power clean and 5 wall balls each round
Power clean is at 50% of 2RM deadlifts

Score is total reps for 10min

Note: Technically, the power clean should be at around 60% of 1RM deadlift. For this workout, we’re going off the 2RM deadlifts and a 50% ratio to accommodate volume. This should be extremely fun

Dear Pyromanians,
I present to you our squat cycle for the next 10 weeks. It is going to be absolutely brutal!! In a good way of course. Get ready to be insanely strong, follow this and you will be a beast. I think everyone would like to be a beast. We’ll be testing our front squat Sunday and start this thing Monday. Our squat days for the cycle will offset the weightlifting on Mondays and Wednesdays. There will be less squatting sets in the weightlifting which will allow us more time to focus more on the snatch, the clean and jerk and accessory work. The chart below is set on my 1RM front squat, Ill share the excel sheet to everyone by email or other means. All you have to do is enter you max front squat and it calculates your loads for the whole cycle. This cycle will bring us to the CrossFit total end of January/early February and right in time for the Open. Seriously, make this a goal, don’t miss a day. Both your front and back will increase dramatically.

First 2 numbers are the week number and session number, third number is the number of sets we’ll be doing that day, fourth number is the number or reps. You’ll be doing 7 reps of front squats, rack the bar and immediately do 13 back squats, 4 times!!! Yes, that insane. As we move towards the end, the sets goes up but the reps scheme change. Are you beast ready???

Training Max Front Squat Max
301.5 335

Week/Ses Sets Reps Weight
1 1 4 7–13 195.975
1 2 4 7–13 184.2165
2 1 4 7–13 211.05
2 2 4 7–13 198.387
3 1 5 4–8 226.125
3 2 5 4–8 212.5575
4 1 5 4–8 241.2
4 2 5 4–8 226.728
5 1 6 3–6 256.275
5 2 6 3–6 240.8985
6 1 6 3–6 271.35
6 2 6 3–6 255.069
7 1 6 2–4 286.425
7 2 6 2–4 269.2395
8 1 6 2–4 301.5
8 2 6 2–4 283.41
9 1 4 2–4 211.05
9 2 4 2–4 198.387
10 1 1 1 MAX
10 2 1 1 MAX

*Always Round up to the Nearest 5lb increment

Speed development and running workshop with Tiffeny Parker is Saturday November 18th at 10am until 12pm. There will be no classes that day. The workshop has running drills in the lesson plan so expect to move around quite a bit. It’s time for Team Pyro to unite and do this. This is a unique opportunity and everybody should be on board. More info and register at the link below:

The Rogue Liftoff at Pyro is Saturday December 2nd (snatch, clean and jerk), Sunday December 3rd (the workout). If you’re a member at Pyro, you have to do this. The best way to do it is to sign up online on the CrossFit games website and show up on both December 2nd and 3rd. If for any reason you still want to take part but do not wish to register for the worldwide leaderboard, you can still come do it, you just won’t have your score online. The nice thing about registering for the leaderboard is that you get to see how you rank in the world against other athletes of the same age and weight class. This is going to be a great 2 day event you don’t want to miss. More info and register at the link below:

For today’s workout, we’re doing the Rogue Liftoff workout of 2016. As you can see, just like any other typical workout at Pyro. We expect the workout to be same this year. No excuses and no reasons not to do it. This is just fitness, challenge yourself and have fun!



1 power snatch

Rogue Liftoff workout 2016

15min AMRAP

25 pull ups
50 cals row
100 overhead squats 45/35
50 box jumps 24/20
25 pull ups


Squat cleans (not touch and go)

5 sets (build to max)
1 push press
1 push jerk
1 split jerk

Clean pulls @110% or 1RM clean and jerk

Speed development and running technique workshop Saturday November 18th at 10am. Here’s the registration link:

Rogue liftoff at Pyro, December 2nd and 3rd. here’s the registration link:


Push press

Split jerk

Note: Aim for all 5 split jerks above your 5 rep max push press


5 rounds for time:

35 double unders
20 goblet squats 53/35
10 hang kettlebell snatch 53/35
5 wall climbs

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