The Rogue Liftoff is next weekend. Lifting on Saturday, the workout on Sunday.

The western classic is now open for registration, Rx, scaled and masters 35+ div. Let’s field a few teams. Do not wish to compete? Come and cheer us. Same sex partner comp, Sat February 10th and Sunday Feb 11th

Pyro is hosting the Festivus games individual Saturday April 21st. Let’s do this!!!


Squat cycle W2D1

4 sets
7 front squats
Then, immediately after
13 back squats

Note: aim for 4-5min rest between sets. 20min top


4 rounds for time:

25ft handstand walk
25 kettlebell swings 53/35

Note: If needed, scale the handstand walk to inverted 25 hand release or around the box. If you can’t kick to handstand on the wall and hold yourself, you can technically do handstand walk, it’s just a matter of practice and getting uncomfortable. Let’s have fun with this one

Target time: 3min per round, approx 12-15min total

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