Here’s the start of the 7-13 squat cycle for the next 10 weeks. Do you have what it takes to do it all? Do whatever it takes to complete both days of the program per week for the next 10 weeks.
Squat cycle week 1 day 1
4 sets
7 front squats
Then rack the bar and immediately perform
13 back squats
The bar is at the same weight for all 4 sets
Bar at 60% of 1RM front squat
Make sure to download the spread sheet, enter your 1 rep max front squat in the top box, print it, show up to do the work, execute and PR. BOOM, simple as that. For those on the facebook community page, we shared a copy there. If you’re not on facebook community page, send us an email at and we’ll send it to you asap. You absolutely need the spreadsheet for this program. Also, we’ll have the sheet on the computer at Pyro so it will be easy to print it front there using your data.
No metcon for today. Lets get a good warm up, focus on good squats sets and cool down stretch. Besides, if you’ve done Sunday’s workout, you’ll need some rest on the old nervous system. The squat sets are 20 reps each for 80 reps total, this won’t be a walk in the park by any means.
This is going to be so fun!!
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