Start November on the right foot. Here’s a nutrition challenge. You get to win a few pounds less on the scale, look leaner, more confidence, fitter and perform better in the workouts. Performing better in the workouts equals results. All this by doing 2 things daily:

  • Before every meals or snacks, drink 250ml of water (1 cup). This will fill your belly with good stuff and will help with digestion.
  • Limit your intake by keeping each meal small (or smaller than usual). We tend to over eat and portion control is a huge problem. Use your hand as a guideline. Palm is your proteins, fingers are your vegetables (don’t be afraid to expand your fingers, more vegetables is good) and your thumb is your fats (oil, nuts, seeds). These are guidelines but if you follow it you will get results. Obviously, if you fill your plate with a burger and fries everyday, even if you keep your portions small, it won’t work. Get food that is as natural as possible. A cheat meal once in a while is not the end of the world, moderation is key. Remember that lifestyle habits is where it’s at, doing a diet won’t work. It as to be incorporated in your life, everyday. This is what you do everyday that defines you!!

There are a couple issues with nutrition these days. Sugar is in everything, bad food is everywhere, good food is more expensive than bad food and couple that with a sedentary lifestyle, you have an explosive mix. This is not a challenge with a prize at the end, we don’t believe in those challenges where people sign up to win money or other incentives. You are doing this for you, to live better and live a healthier lifestyle.


Front squats



15min AMRAP

50ft handstand walk
50ft broad jumps
50ft lunges

Note: If you don’t have handstand walk, go inverted on the wall and do hand releases, go inverted with feet on the box or just do bear crawls for 50ft

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