Festivus Games all day. Good luck to all the athletes competing. Doors open at 8am, workout 1 briefing at 0830 and 1st heat at 0900.

NO CLASSES TODAY. Back to regular hours Sunday.

If you’re not competing, we’ll need some help with judging, score keeping and moving the equipment so if you’re free, don’t hesitate to come over.

Festivus Games is tomorrow!!

For all the athletes competing, take it easy today. It doesn’t mean to do absolutely nothing. By all means, come to the gym, use the rowers, the air bike, set yourself up on the side, do your things. You could go through the wod but keep it light. Moving around is good, active recovery style. Also, rolling and stretching is a good idea, just saying.

The Battle Royale is Sunday October 22nd (35 combatants in so far, only one champion). Not sure you guys realized how awesome that’s going to be!




Note: 5s and 3s can be touch and go or drops in between. Touch and go is good to work on barbell cycling. If you want to go heavier do drop in between.


Be afraid, be very afraid!

“Friday the 13th WOD”

13min AMRAP

13 wall balls 20/14
13 burpees
13 kettlebells swings 53/35


E3M15M alt min (5 sets)

1 peg board or rope climb ascent
10 back extensions
15 sec parallette L-sit hold

Note: For the peg board or the rope climb, pick something challenging for you. Rope climbs can be leg less, L-sit, start seated from the ground or it can be just working on your wrap


6min AMRAP

3 dumbbell thrusters 50/35
3 toes to bar
6 dumbbell thrusters 50/35
6 toes to bar
9 dumbbell thrusters 50/35
9 toes to bar

Keep adding 3 reps of each until times up

If all the dumbbells are taken, use kettlebells 53/35. That being said, it’s going to be a bit harder with kettlebells.

**Please do not drop the dumbbells from above the waist, we rather buy more than having to replace them. No rep if the dumbbells are dropped from above the waist. Even better, try to put them down. Seriously, the dumbbells will crack and break**

Roll 5min
Banded stretches 5min

5 sets
1 Power clean + 1 push jerk

5 sets
1 clean + 1 split jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squat

Heat times are here. Doors open at 8am. Athletes briefing at 830, judge briefing at 845. First heat at 9. Everything should be done by 4pm. Make to familiarize yourself with the workouts. This is going to be a lot of fun!!

Workout 1, Hold my protein shake, it’s go time!!
Novice (1 heat)
Heat 1, 0900
Snatch me if you can F
Action chicks F
JLo’s F
Hungry hungry hippos M

Intermediate (2 heats)
Heat 1, 0915. 3 females, 4 males
Mother Thrusters F
The young and the restless F
Booty and da beast F
Walking deadlifts M
Los Jefes M
Reps 4 Rhabdo M
Suicide Squats M

Heat 2, 0930. 3 females, 4 males
Jungle fever F
Deadlifts and donuts F
100% effort and 7% skills M
Big spoon little spoon M
Just the kip M
Less talking more chalking M

Workout 2, The walking dead
Novice, 1 heat, 3 females, 1 males
Heat 1, 1000
Snatch me if you can F
Action chicks F
JLo’s F
Hungry hungry hippos M

Intermediate, 2 heats, 6 females, 8 males
Heat 1, 1045. 6 females
Mother Thrusters F
The young and the restless F
Booty and da beast F
Jungle fever F
Deadlifts and donuts F

Heat 2, 1130, 8 males
Walking deadlifts M
Los Jefes M
Reps 4 Rhabdo M
Suicide Squats M
100% effort and 7% skills M
Big spoon little spoon M
Just the kip M
Less talking more chalking M

Workout 3, Burp, Jump and Row Balls to the Wall
Novice, 1 heat, 3 females, 1 male
Heat 1, 1300
Snatch me if you can F
Action chicks F
JLo’s F
Hungry hungry hippos M

Intermediate, 3 heats, 2 of 2 females, 3 males and 1 of 2 females, 2 males
Heat 1, 1330, 2 females, 3 males
Mother Thrusters F
The young and the restless F
Walking deadlifts M
Los Jefes M
Reps 4 Rhabdo M

Heat 2, 1345, 2 females, 3 males
Booty and da beast F
Suicide Squats M
100% effort and 7% skills M
Big spoon little spoon M

Heat 3, 1400, 2 females, 2 males
Jungle fever F
Deadlifts and donuts F
Just the kip M
Less talking more chalking M

Workout 4, Floater wod, Bells and Barrows
Novice, 1 heat, 3 females, 1 male
Heat 1, 1430
Snatch me if you can F
Action chicks F
JLo’s F
Hungry hungry hippos M

Intermediate, 4 heats, 2 of 3 females, 2 of 4 males
Heat 1, 1440
Mother Thrusters F
The young and the restless F
Booty and da beast F

Heat 2, 1450
Jungle fever F
Deadlifts and donuts F

Heat 3, 1500
Walking deadlifts M
Los Jefes M
Reps 4 Rhabdo M
Suicide Squats M

Heat 4, 1510
100% effort and 7% skills M
Big spoon little spoon M
Just the kip M
Less talking more chalking M

Podium at 1530

Wrap up at 1600

Feel free to stick around after and enjoy a few refreshments, food and good company

To all athletes attending the Festivus Games, please be familiar with the workouts, formats, rep schemes and movements standards. We will be covering the standards on site but it is also your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the workouts prior the event. Have a look at the link. Heat times will be posted shortly

The Festivus Games is Saturday. Doors open at 8am and the event will be done by 4pm. First heat at 9. All the details, heat times, volunteer sign up sheet will be posted shortly. We had to reorganize some heat times since we just acquired more gear for the event. More dumbbells, bars, med balls YAY!!! This is going to be absolutely epic!

Skills (10min)

Muscle ups

Note: Anatomy of the muscle up. Skills development, drills and practice time

METCON (10-15min)

“Nasty girls”

3 rounds for time:

50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans 135/95

Note: This is meant to be around 10min, scale accordingly


Festivus Games is this Saturday. Come and watch the athletes crushing it. There will be food, coffee, good tunes, incredible athletes, judge one or two heats if you can and have a good time with awesome people. Food is potluck style, bring your favorite dish. We’ll have healthy snacks for athletes too. Heat times will be posted tomorrow. Please note that there will be no classes on that day.


Every 3min for 12min (4 sets)

10 deadlifts
5 shoulder press

Note: Build up to max for both movements


For time:

20 cals row
40 box jumps overs
60 sit ups
80 push ups
100 double unders


Power snatch

Snatch balance

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats

For time:

Handstand walk 200ft
L-sit hold 2min

Note: No handstand walk, do inverted 200 hand release. L-sit, accumulate 2min total. Score is time to complete everything

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Classes at 9 and 10, open gym at 11


7 rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
21 walking lunges
15 pull-ups
9 burpees

If you have a 20-lb. weight vest or body armor, wear it.

Danish Army Sgt. René Brink Jakobsen of Vang, Denmark, died Jan. 3, 2013, after being hit by an improvised explosive device while on foot patrol with his unit in Upper Gereshk Valley in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The 39-year-old was a member of the elite Danish Special Forces Ranger unit called Jaegerkorpet. Jakobsen is survived by his wife, Camilla; three children, Mie, Sara and Thor; and many loving relatives and friends.

Registration for the Festivus Games is officially closed. We have 20 teams registered. We’ll be posting the heat times Monday. We need volunteers for the event, judging and helping out with the equipment. We’ll have a volunteers sign up sheet at the box this week. We’ll be able to asign you heat times for judging as well. This is going to be epic!!

The Battle Royale is full. We have 32 combatants registered, only one survivor will come out champion. This is going to be uber epic!!

Thanksgiving hours: Monday classes at 9 and 10, open gym at 11

Partner workout

For time:

Buy in: 400m run hill side

10 rounds alternating partners
25 cals row
25 wall balls 20/14
25 kettlebell swings 53/35

Buy out: 400m run hill side

Note: For the run, one partner carries the med ball, the other carries the kettlebell

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