Join us Sunday October 22nd for our 1st year anniversary event. Bring your favourite dish to share, bring your friends and family. Doors open at 9am. The Battle Royale starts at 1oam. 6 workouts total, no formal times for any of the workouts, this is a true Battle Royale style event. Workouts will be announced the day of, be ready for the unknown and the unknowable. Only 1 champion, male or female.


How to spot

Handstand walk practice 15min
Note: Time to get inverted, on the wall or use a spotter on the floor.

Pistols 15min
Note: Work on our mobility, range of motion and strength

Pull ups and kipping pull ups
Note: Pull ups using a spotter, beat swings and the mechanics of the gymnastic kip


Overhead squats

Clean and jerk (touch and go)
Note: Work on your barbell cycling skills, moderate load

Clean grip deadlift
Note: Last 2 sets should be above your max clean and jerk


“Do you even skip bros?”

5 rounds
50 single unders
30 double unders
10 triple unders

*Every time you trip, perform 3 burpees*
**Every time you curse, perform 5 burpees**
***Every time you throw your rope, perform 10 burpees***


50 reps for time:

1 burpee
1 push-up
1 jumping-Jack
1 sit-up
1 handstand

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