Our 1st year anniversary/Battle Royale is Sunday October 22nd. Doors open at 0900hrs. The Battle Royale starts at 1000hrs. We have around 35 participants so far. This is a friendly competition, honor system for the workouts up to the round of 9 then things will get real, judges will jump in. Bring your friends, family, kids, fish, everybody welcome. Bring your favourite dish to share, potluck style, bring drinks and bring your best smile. This is going to be an awesome day, all the Pyro community together. See you all Sunday



3-5 handstand push ups

Pick something challenging for 3 to 5 reps. If you can do 5 strict handstand push ups, go deficit. Work on your kip. Get comfortable inverted. Ring handstand push ups anyone?


3 rounds for time:

30 wall balls 20/14
20 hand release push ups
10 deadlifts 245/185

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