The Festivus Games scores have been submitted. The online leaderboard should be updated shortly. You’ll be able to see where you stand against the other 11000 athletes registered.





5min AMRAP

20 double unders
10 squats

Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to sign for classes. We try to cap our classes at 10. Better instruction, better coaching, more space available, equipment availability and such. It literally takes 2 seconds. If that’s the only time you can come on that day and the class is full, of course you can come but if you can make it to a less busy class instead it would be better. Thank you



3 rounds for reps:

1min wall balls 20/14
1min row cals
1min dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35
1min knees to elbows
1min burpees

1min rest

Score is total reps for all the rounds combined

CrossFit lite:

Same format but here’s a scaled version
1min Wall balls 14/10
1min row cals
1min dumbbells shoulder to overhead 35/20
1min sit ups
1min burpees

1min rest


Muscle snatch (touch and go)
Power snatch (touch and go)
Snatch (touch and go)

Snatch pulls @110% of snatch 1RM

Front squats

Awesome showing by the Pyromaniacs at the Festivus Games. Here are the top 3 finishers in each divisions:

Male Novice:
1st place, Hungry hungry hippos (Pyro, Darren L and Ryan B)

Female Novice:
1st place, Action Chicks (Action conditioning, Kristen and Kara)
2nd place, Snatch if you can (Pyro, Katie and Rachel)
3rd place, Jlo’s (Pyro, Jennifer and Jessica Lopez)

Female Intermediate:
1st place, The young and the restless (Pyro, Laurie and Erin)
2nd place, Booty and da beast (CrossFit Lethbridge, Sarah and Dawn)
3rd place, Mother thrusters (CrossFit Moirai, Carey and Ally)

Male Intermediate:
1st place, Reps 4 Rhabdo (Pyro, Scott R and Clay)
2nd place, 100% effort, 7% skills (CrossFit Moirai, Kyler and Greg)
3rd place, Just the Kip (Pyro, Tyler C and Kyle S)

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