To all athletes attending the Festivus Games, please be familiar with the workouts, formats, rep schemes and movements standards. We will be covering the standards on site but it is also your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the workouts prior the event. Have a look at the link. Heat times will be posted shortly

The Festivus Games is Saturday. Doors open at 8am and the event will be done by 4pm. First heat at 9. All the details, heat times, volunteer sign up sheet will be posted shortly. We had to reorganize some heat times since we just acquired more gear for the event. More dumbbells, bars, med balls YAY!!! This is going to be absolutely epic!

Skills (10min)

Muscle ups

Note: Anatomy of the muscle up. Skills development, drills and practice time

METCON (10-15min)

“Nasty girls”

3 rounds for time:

50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans 135/95

Note: This is meant to be around 10min, scale accordingly


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