The team series is over. What a blast! Honestly we were hoping more teams would get in, hopefully next year we get more. Regardless as to why you didn’t sign up, it was a lot of fun, the workouts were a good challenge and the format was really interesting. It’s essentially like the open but for teams. We’ll be doing it again next year for sure. Team David Rochon/Scott Regier finished 9th and team Clay Simmonds/Connor Simmonds finished 14th Rx male pairs out of about 100 teams Canada west. Sweet skillz!!!

Help wanted. With the upcoming Festivus games and the Battle Royale, we’re in need of volunteers to help with the judging and logistics like moving equipment and such. Because of the nature of the Battle Royale, the first two workout will be on the honor system. We can’t possibly have 30 or 21 judges. The following workouts will be judged. Let us know at the box or by email. Thanks


Overhead squats


Note: Strength day only, use that time wisely, work on form, ask your coach on pointers. If your mobility prevents you from adding weight, perform the sets at light load and then do the same with front or back squats. If you have an urgent need to do a METCON, do the floater wod. Recommendation is to stick with strength only, give the nervous system a break, especially after the “Motherchipper”. Be impressed by intensity, not volume. Doing too much will slow your progress down and prevents you from putting efforts where it matters.


Warm up
Muscle snatch

Hang Power snatch

Power snatch (not touch and go)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1rm

Front squats

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