15min to find 2RM power cleans (Not touch and go but close together)
For time:
Buy in: 100 double unders
5 rounds
20 wall balls 20/14
5 muscle ups
Buy out: 100ft farmers carry 300/200
Snatch balance + 1 overhead squat
Push press
Firebreathers at 9am (Can’t stress enough, this is for absolutely everyone but be aware that the nature of the class and the workouts are a bit different than the regular classes, like less focus on basics and more doing)
Weightlifting at 10am
Open gym at 11am
Regular classes at 9/10 and open gym at 11am
Regular classes at 9/10 and open gym at 11am
Back to regular hours
Programming: Strength cycle for squat, deadlift and press. Coaches workouts Sept 3rd to 9th
Sunday Sept 10th: 911 memorial workout (bring your weight vest)
Saturday Sept 16th: Gentlemen’s Paintball, Bragg Creek 1:30pm
Sunday Sept 17th: Beer mile with The Citizen Brewing Company 1200pm
Wednesday Sept 20th: CrossFit Team Series, 2 weeks, find a partner (same or opposite sex) Rx or Scaled div. Sign up online at
Sunday Sept 24th: Ladies hike
October: Festivus Games, Pyro 1st anniversary Party and Battle Royale (Can’t believe we’re only 10 months old right now)
November: Rogue Liftoff
December: Christmas/holiday party
**ALERT!!! September double challenge**
50 reps a day. Pick a movement, anything, perform 50 reps of it, everyday, all month. Push ups, squats, overhead squats, situps, lunges, pull ups or whatever you can think off. You can do the same movements all month if you’d like, just do 50 reps of something. Everybody can do it. That will be 1500 reps at the end of the month.
NO SUGAR. That means, no pop, no desserts, no sugar in your coffee, limit food that have sugar added (that means pretty much all processed food by the way). It’s not going to be 100% but do everything you can. Sugar is poison, avoid it at all cost. It’s going be worth it.
You’ll get some crazy results just by doing these 2 challenges for the month. On top of it, show up at Pyro as often as you can and BOOM!! Fitness goes up, body composition gets better, fat% goes down, abs are showing up, you’ll feels better about yourself, more energetic, PRs all over the place, life is good…
Power snatch (build up to your max)
Note: This is not a PR format, try to get a challenging load for each set. We’ll record each sets on the board.
For time:
1000m row