4 teams (16 athletes) will be representing CrossFit Pyro at the Canmore rocky moutain crusher. We’re all in the same heat 1200hrs. This is going to be epic!!!


“Crusher wods”

For time:

800m run
100 russian kettlebell swings 53/35
800m run
Max cals row for 1:30
800m run
10 hang power cleans 115/75
10 front squats 115/75
10 shoulder to overhead 115/75
10 back squats 115/75
800m run

Score is total time to complete and cals for the row

Note: This is a version of what our teams will be doing at the Canmore rocky mountain crusher. We are a team, we’re all in this together


Overhead squats

Note: If you can, make your first rep a snatch balance

5 sets (build to max)
Shoulder to overhead complex
2 push press
2 push jerk
1 split jerk

Split jerk

Note: Quick build up for a heavy split jerk single. Go from your last weight at the shoulder to overhead complex and build up. It won’t be a PR, do your best for the day

The Citizen brewing company is officially open to public!!!

Coach Joy’s workout

3 rounds for time:

36 wall balls 20/14
20 handstand push ups
14 clean and jerk 185/135
7 muscle ups

Note: Muscle ups are rings or bar

Warm up

Tall cleans

Note: Keep those light, barbell only

5 sets (Build to max)
3 hang squat cleans + 1 jerk

Double overhead deadlifts (Build to max)

Back squat

Gentlemen’s paintball Saturday Sept 16th, Bragg Creek at 1:30pm

Beer mile Sunday Sept 17th, CrossFit Pyro at 1200pm

Team serie, starts Sept 20th for 2 week, find a partner and sign up at https://games.crossfit.com/teamseries

Coach Scott’s workout:

For time:

5 rope climbs
75 thrusters 75/55
50 dips
5 rope climbs
50 overhead squats 75/55
75 sit-ups
5 rope climbs

Note: This is going to be brutal

Coach Prime’s workout


Double unders
Shoulder to overhead

Note: Use this skills/technique time wisely. Refine your mechanic and efficiency


5 rounds as fast as possible

3min per round
15 cals row
50 double unders
10 shoulder to overhead 135/95

Note: Go through the triplet as fast as possible. Note your time for each rounds. Aim for about 2min of work and rest for the remaining time

Warm up

Snatch drop from the triple extension

Note: Keep those very light, most likely just the bar

Snatch complex (5 sets, build to max)

1 snatch pull
1 hang snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Note: If the snatch balance prevents you from going heavier, do 2 overhead squats instead

Snatch grip deadlifts

Note: Start with the same weight of finish with the complex and build up

Front squats

Coach Andrew’s wod:

For time:

Buy in: 1 hill run

7 rounds of:

9 bodyweight deadlifts
12 ghd sit ups
15 box jumps 24/20

Buy out: 1 hill run


Shoulder press

For time:

150 wall balls 20/14

**If you already did Karen before under 10min, use the 30/20 instead😀**

Note: You can do this anytime, before, during a class (as long as it doesn’t disrupt the class), after class, open gym. If you have a med ball at home just find a target at the required height. Get it done! No excuses! Unless your desire is not be fit and extremely good looking😳

Labor Day hours: Classes at 9 and 10. Open gym at 11

Coach Madaleine’s workout:


For time:


Handstand push ups
Ring dips
Push ups


Back squat


In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan last week.

“My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today.” Erin Taylor

Hotshot 19 memorial workout at CrossFit Pyro. Video by Rory Siddall

CrossFit Pyro coaches appreciation week. Our coaches are the best there is, they do an incredible job and Pyro wouldn’t be what it is without them. Being a coach, a good coach that is requires passion,teamwork, dedication, patience and positive attitude to name a few, make sure you thank them when you have a chance. This week, each coach picked or designed a workout for all of us. This is going to be epic!!

Coach Matt’s workout:


6 rounds of:

1min row cals
1min burpees
1min double unders

1min rest

Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. We’ll be recording on the board separate totals of calories rowed, burpees, double-unders as well as total for everything combined

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