Here’s a breakdown of everything happening at Pyro for the next couple months:

Pyro beer mile: Sunday September 17th at 12pm
Team series: Thursday September 20th for 2 weeks, find a partner
Pyro ladies hiking day: Saturday September 23rd, all day
Pyro 1st year anniversary/Battle Royale party: Sunday October 22nd all day, more details soon (Can’t believe it’s been only a year!!)
Halloween WOD of the dead: Friday October 27th at 8pm
Rogue Lift Off, max snatch, max clean and jerk and a workout: Date to be announced but expect early November
Pyro ski/snowboard day: Date to be announced, early December
Pyro Christmas/Holiday party: Friday December 15th starting a 6pm

So many cool things happening, make sure you write it down somewhere.

Gentlemen’s Paintball Saturday at 1:30pm
Beer mile Sunday at 12pm


Death by shoulder press

Every minute on the minute, perform 1 shoulder press

Add 10lbs after each successful rep, continue until you can no longer perform the lift. Start at 24/35


40 wall balls 20/14
30 chest to bar pull ups
20 pistols
10 box facing burpees 24/20
10 bar muscle ups
20 wall balls 20/14
30 pistols
40 box facing burpees 24/20

4 sets
3 power cleans + 1 jerk

4 sets
1 hang squat clean + 3 jerks

Clean pulls @100% of 1RM (touch and go)

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM (touch and go)

Back squats (3 sec pause at the bottom)

Gentlemen’s paintball is this Saturday at 1:30pm, Bragg Creek. It should be around 50 to 60$. It all depends on what type of gun you take and how much ammo. You can easily go all out and spend 100$. There is no set time for it but we should be done around 3pm. This is for guys only, sorry ladies. We have a reservation for 15 but we can go over. Just show up on location for 1:30pm. Let’s put this fitness to use, see you all there.

Another reminder for the beer mile Sunday at 12pm. We have 27 t-shirts coming in so if you want one, it will be around 25$, we’re still working on the details and the cost. We ordered considering preorders and we expect they will sell out. We can do another order right away and have them next week.


E2M10M (5 sets)

25ft overhead walking lunges

Note: Build to max for 25ft unbroken


3 rounds for reps

1min cals row
1min bench press 135/95
1min GHD sit ups
1min dumbbells hang power cleans 50/35

30sec rest between movements

Note: Score is total reps of all the movements for the 3 rounds


Full body roll 5mins
Full body stretch 5mins

Paintball Saturday at 1:30pm, Bragg Creek
Beer mile Sunday at 1200, Pyro. Free to everyone, if you want an awesome Pyro beer mile T-shirt, 25$
Team series Thursday September 20th, find a partner



Back squats


For time:


Dumbbell power snatch 50/35
Toes to bar

Note: Alternate arm every reps

Snatch balance


Snatch pulls @100% of 1RM


Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM


Front squats (3sec pause at bottom)



Gentlemen’s Paintball Saturday September 16th, Bragg Creek 1:30pm
Beer mile Sunday September 17th, Pyro 12:00pm
Team series Thursday September 20th for 2 weeks, the workouts will be part of our programming so you better find a partner. Not sure how to find a partner, let us help out

Coach Dave’ workout





20min AMRAP

20ft handstand walk
4 box jumps 36/30
2 muscle ups
1 squat clean @125% of bodyweight

Note: This workout as it all, high level gymnastics, explosive plyometrics and a heavy weightlifting components. Tie in the 125% of bodyweight squat clean which is a requirement for the Gold Firebreather (Clean and jerk). Lower reps scheme allow you to keep moving without getting stuck on one particular movement. This is a great test of your general fitness and skills. We’ll have lots of scale option that will challenge everyone. Have fun!!!

For time:

750m swim

Note: That’s right, swimming. This requires you to go out of your comfort zone, go to a pool and get it done there. Let’s work together on this, make sure to let us know when you’re going so we can do it as team. Have fun!!

CrossFit Pyro at the Rocky Mountain Crusher!! Sweet skillz everyone!! Let’s do this again next year.





On the min:

2 thrusters 95/65
20 double unders

Start at 95/65 and add 10lbs every min. When you can no longer do 2 reps of the thrusters, work you way back down. Aim for a weight you can build up to approx 8 min build up (80lbs) and then 8 min down. That will give you a 16 min workout. 20 high jump single unders would be a good scale for double unders.

911 memorial workout


“Emergency workers killed in the September 11 attacks”

Of the 2,977 victims killed in the September 11 attacks, 412 were emergency workers in New York City who responded to the World Trade Center. This included:

343 firefighters of the New York City Fire Department (FDNY)

For time:

343 burpees

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Coach note: If you think 343 burpees is a lot, think about these firefighters who responded to the world trade center and gave their lives helping others. Nothing will ever be too much compare to what they went through. Give it all, every single rep represents the life of one of the 343 firefighters.

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