The team series has started and going for the next 2 weeks. Did you find a partner?

Pyro ladies hiking day Saturday September 23rd

Festivus games is approaching fast, There’s still time to sign up, almost 20 teams registered. We couldn’t stress enough, this is for everyone. If you never competed before, you need to do this. This is a competition of you against you, push yourself and have fun. Don’t overthink this, it’s like any other workouts at Pyro, except that you’ll be doing a bunch of workouts instead of one. Seriously, this is a lot of fun even if competing is not your thing. It’s all about the experience, outdo yourself. Sign up at the link below:

Team Series event 1 and 2

Partner up (male/male, female/female, male/female)

Event 1

For time:

Thrusters 95/65 Sc 65/45
Bar facing burpees

No timecap
No tie break

Note: The only difference between Rx and scaled is the weight on the bar for the thrusters

10min rest/transistion

Event 2 Rx

For time:
120 double unders, each, relay
120 chest to bar pull ups, total, sets of 15
120 hang power snatches, total, sets of 15
120 double unders, each, relay

Bar at 95/65

Timecap 15min
No tiebreak

Event 2 Scaled

For time:
120 single unders, each, relay
120 jumping chest to bar pull ups, total, sets of 15
120 hang power snatches, total, sets of 15
120 single unders, each, relay

Bar at 65/45

Score must be entered by Monday September 25th at 5pm


12min AMRAP

100ft bear crawl
10 knees to elbows
10 handstand push ups

Mandatory maintenance/mobility (sorry you won’t get out of this)

5min full body roll
10min stretch (remember the official Pyro stretch routine?)

Note: Basically stretch from head to toes, neck, shoulders, trunk, hips, hamstrings, quads, calves for example

Pyro weightlifting

5 sets
1 power clean + 1 push press

5 sets
1 squat clean + 1 push jerk

Split jerk (from the rack)

Back squat

The team series week 1 workouts have been announced. Head over to the link below for all the details:

We’ll be doing the workouts in sets of 2 to make it easier to get everything done efficiently. Programming 4 different workouts on 4 different days would make it near impossible to have all the teams together. So, for the next 2 weeks, we’ll program the 2 workouts on Friday and 2 on Sunday. What if you want to workout Friday and your partner can’t make it. You’ll have to find a time that works for both of you and get it done during class. What if you want to come get a workout in Friday but your partner can’t, you should use this time to practice the workout, go over the movements or give the workout a test run. We’ll also take the time to cover the movement standards and efficiency tips. Remember that there’s a scaled and Rx version or the workouts. If you haven’t signed up for the team series on the CrossFit games website (you really should), you’ll just team up with somebody in class. If for any reasons you really don’t want to do this with a partner, we’ll have an individual version as well. Friday is workout 1 and 2, Sunday workout 3 and 4.

The team series starts today. Find a partner and sign up here:

If you’re still not sure what the team series is about, check the link above for all the info. Still not sure, ask your coach. We’ll be doing all the team series workouts as part of the programming. If you haven’t signed up, we’ll team you up with somebody in class. Might as well find a partner right! There is a scaled and Rx division, this is for everyone, new to CrossFit to experienced athletes, EVERYONE. Expect something similar to the open, classic CrossFit, test of strength, short, medium and a long workout, couplets, triplets and probably a chipper, synchronized movements as well. This is a lot of fun. The last couple years have been teams of 4 and it was a nightmare to get all together at the same time, this year is teams of 2, male/male, female/female, male/female, there’s absolutely no reasons why you shouldn’t sign up. Only 40$ for the team, 20$ each

Coach Em’s workout:


7 rounds for time:

400m run
29 back squats 135/95

Mid week hero workout that’s right. It’s time to get uncomfortable. Scale the weight as needed. Go 95/65 or even just air squats. Another option is to go Rx for the weight but cut down the volume to 5 rounds or 4 rounds for example. Expect this workout to be around 30 to 40min. OUCHY!!!

First Lieutenant Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, was killed by sniper fire on April 29, 2007 while fighting against an enemy ambush in Anbar Province, Iraq. He is survived by his father, Colonel Tom Manion, mother Janet Manion, and sister Ryan Borek.

Are you new to CrossFit Pyro? Make sure to follow us on instagram and facebook. Search CrossFit Pyro and you’ll find us easily.

Also, we have a closed group on facebook called CrossFit Pyro community, find us in the search bar and send a request to join. This is only for our members

Social media is a great way to stay connected, share what’s going on, share instructional videos, pictures and upcoming events for example. If you’re not on social media, no worries, that’s why we have everything written down on the white board for everybody to see it and we send a pyro newsletter once in a while.

The best way to stay in the loop is to come to the box everyday, get your fitness in and ask your coach in person. Nothing like good old fashion face to face


Muscle snatch

Power snatch

6min AMRAP

30 double unders
15 power snatch 75/55
5 burpees over the bar



Hang snatch

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats

Max unbroken pull ups

The 2017 Pyro beer mile was a huge success! As expected, it was epic!!! Kyle S. is the 2017 Pyro beer mile champion. Can he be beaten? We’ll have to wait until next year!!!



2 deadlifts

Note: Build to your max for 2 reps touch and go


5 rounds for time:

10 deadlifts @60% of 2RM
10 Strict ring dips
10 strict pull ups

Rx+ muscle up to ring dips

50 hanging hip touches

Note: This can be your 50reps for the day. Have you forgotten about these already? Not to spoil anything but like everything we do in our programming has a purpose, what if we have a massive chipper with 50 reps of a bunch of things at the end of the month?

Oh god, this happening, “THE BEER MILE” Regular classes at 9 and 10, Open gym at 11am Beer mile at 12pm Pyro beer mile rules: All official standard races need to adhere to all of the below. For alternate events and rulesets, see our popular variations list. 1. Each competitor drinks four cans of beer…

Gentlemen’s Paintball at 1:30pm, Bragg Creek. Let’s meet in the parking lot at 1:30pm. We should be all done by 3pm

Beer mile Sunday at 12pm


2014 CrossFit Games

“Triple 3”

For time:

3k row
300 double unders
3 miles run


Warm up
Kettlebell goodness

Hang power snatch
Hang power cleans
Split jerk

Note: These are meant to be light. 75/55 for the snatch, 95/65 for the cleans and jerks, even the bar would do it. Think quick and snappy. This is all about speed. Work on technique, foot positioning, receiving and recovery

Overhead squats (try to make the 1st rep a snatch balance)

3-3-3-3-3 (3sec pause at bottom)

5 sets

2 push press + 1 jerk

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