There’s no lack of things happening at Pyro in the next couple months. Competitions reminders:

Team series week 2 Wed Sept 27th
Festivus games Sat Oct 14th (Still time to sign up)
Pyro 1st year anniversary/Battle Royale Sun Oct 22nd (Only 30 spots, free and for everyone, sign up asap)
Rogue Liftoff starts Thurs Nov 30th

Heads up, Team series workout 1 and 2 Friday. Workout 3 and 4 Sunday.


15min EMOM alt min

20-30 double unders
15 sec parallettes or rings L-sit hold
25ft farmer’s walk 250/170

Note: If you can’t hold 15sec unbroken, accumulate 15sec within the minute. For the carry, use the farmer’s carry bars, kettlebells, dumbbells. Pick something challenging for you. If 250/170 is too light, go heavier.


7min AMRAP

10 overhead squats 95/65
10 pull ups

Target intensity: 4-5 rounds


Warm up
Tall cleans (barbell only)

Clean and jerk complex (build to max)
5 sets

1 clean pull
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
2 jerks

Clean and jerk @10# over your heaviest clean and jerk complex

Back squats @60% of 1RM back squat, all sets at the same weight

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