Gentlemen’s Paintball at 1:30pm, Bragg Creek. Let’s meet in the parking lot at 1:30pm. We should be all done by 3pm
Beer mile Sunday at 12pm
2014 CrossFit Games
“Triple 3”
For time:
3k row
300 double unders
3 miles run
Warm up
Kettlebell goodness
Hang power snatch
Hang power cleans
Split jerk
Note: These are meant to be light. 75/55 for the snatch, 95/65 for the cleans and jerks, even the bar would do it. Think quick and snappy. This is all about speed. Work on technique, foot positioning, receiving and recovery
Overhead squats (try to make the 1st rep a snatch balance)
3-3-3-3-3 (3sec pause at bottom)
5 sets
2 push press + 1 jerk