Festivus games at Pyro is Saturday October 14th. Registration deadline is August 31st. We can’t stress enough how much fun this is going to be. It’s a same sex novice and intermediate friendly competition, anybody can do this. The thing with competing is that your standing at the end of it doesn’t matter, what matters is that you show up, do your best, have fun and get better from it. Come up with the craziest team names, wear a costume, don’t take yourself too seriously, have fun with it. Now, you will be able to sign up past the deadline but you won’t get a tshirt and the athlete’s package. You still have 3 weeks, find a partner and sign up as soon as possible. Looking forward to see you all there.


20-30 muscle up transistion

Note: Use the harness, low rings, reinforce the false grip. This is a skill session, don’t go crazy, think of it more like developing muscle memory. No set reps, aim for 20 to 30 reps


Every 2min for 10min (5 sets)

2 front squats + 1 jerk (from the rack)


For time:

24 toes to bar
24 deadlifts 225/155

Note: This is meant to be a quick burst, go all out.

Burgener’s warm up

High hang snatch

Hang snatch


Note: For the snatch, try to hit 90-95% of 1RM, if you feel good and want to go for a PR, go for it, otherwise, don’t push it.

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM, TNG

Front Squats

Note: For the Front squat, try to hit 90-95% of your 1RM clean and jerk


Bench press

Weighted pull ups

Note: Alternate between the 2 movements, build to max. If you can’t do pull ups, start with an easy movement and work your way to most difficult. For example, going from rings rows, to green band, purple then red and finish with unassisted and try to get one.


For Time:

50 dumbbell power clean and jerks 50/35

Note: This is meant to be short, go all out

Heritage day hours: Classes at 9 and 10. Open gym at 11

The CrossFit Games came to an end, what a finish that was on ladies side. The events were so exciting, varied and original. The Games keep getting better and better every year. The 2018 season looks promising

The team series starts Sept 20th, find a partner and sign up online at www.crossfitgames.com

Don’t forget to sign up for festivus games


CrossFit Open 17.5 or Heavy 17.5

10 rounds for time:

9 thrusters
35 double unders 95/65

Rx+ 135/95

Monday August 7th, Heritage day hours

Classes at 9 and 10

Open gym at 11 until 12

Sunday August 6th
The festivus games registrations deadline is August 31st. You will be able to sign up after but you won’t get your festivus games athlete’s tshirt. It’s a same sex, novice and intermediate friendly competition. The workouts have already been announced. Find a partner, go to https://festivusgames.com/
sign up and BOOM!! You’re all set for an awesome comp at Pyro. This is for everyone, EVERYONE, you’re already doing this everyday at Pyro, nothing different, just a bunch of workouts in one day. If you think you can’t do this or you think you’re not ready to do a competition, you’re wrong and you should sign up right now. Voila, said it😜

Partner chipper
5 rounds for time:
400m sandbag carry 70/50
40 sandbag step ups 70/50 24/20
20 wall balls 20/14
10 power snatch 135/95

Note: Run together, share the reps as needed

The CrossFit Team Series is coming to CrossFit Pyro on September 20th. Grab a partner, same or opposite sex, sign up and have a blast doing it.

One more week of this cycle. We’ll be testing our lifts in the week of August 13th. The next cycle is going to be epic, 12 weeks leading right to the rogue lift off early November (TBA so the cycle could end up being either 11 or 13 weeks depending). Weightlifting classes are officially our busiest classes, more people means that we have to share some the squat racks and bars so the next cycle is going to be a bit less volume but just as effective. Expect a form of squat (front squat, back squat, overhead squat), deadlifts or pulls (Clean or snatch pulls), snatch (any kind of snatch, muscle, power, squat), cleans and press based (Yes, this includes bench press) movement everyday. We’ll be playing with a lot of formats, high reps schemes, 5s, triples, doubles, heavy singles, limited attempts or limited timeframe, complexes, METCONs, regular weightlifting to CrossFit weightlifting style. 12 weeks gives us a lot of time on the bar, I challenge you to stick with it. Even if you can’t make the classes, do it in open gym times or catch up on other days. We’ll always support you doing extra stuff after classes too as long as it doesn’t disrupt the classes and doesn’t use the equipment needed. So, you could do the weightlifting on the side to some capacity. Just make sure you bring it up to the coach on duty. There will be a lot of PRs in November.

Snatch (drops)

Snatch deadlifts (fixed weight at 120% of 1RM)

2 cleans + 1 shoulder to overhead
5 sets

Front squats

Back squats

Hotshot 19 memorial workout Sunday August 27th
Team series (Partner comp), September 2nd to October 2nd
Festivus games, (Same sex novice and intermediate partner comp, Saturday October 14th
1st anniversary Party and wods, date tba end of October
Rogue Lift Off, date tba early November
Pyro Christmas/Holiday Party, date tba early December

The Los Angeles World Police Fire Games are 10 days away. Here’s the workout for event 1. This is also our workout of the day

LAWPFG Event 1

For Time:

In body armor 20/14

15 Cal Row
20 Pull Ups
15 Cal Row
30 Thrusters 115/85
15 Cal Row
40 Burpees
15 Cal Row
50 Double Unders

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