“Muscle ups Wednesdays”

10min EMOM

1 strict muscle up + 1 strict ring dip

Add 1 ring dip every minute. If you can’t keep it strict anymore, start kipping. That goes for both the muscle up and ring dip. No muscle ups? No problem, get on the low rings, work on muscle up transitions and you can still do ring dips. Can’t do either muscle ups and dips? Low rings with bands or low rings leg assist.


5 rounds for time:

10 shuttle runs forward/backward 20ft
10 chest to bar pull ups
15 dumbbell power snatch alt hands 50/35

Note: For the run, you run 1 forward and come back backward. Each way you have to touch the ground past the 20ft mark. Each way is one rep. For the chest to bar, you can scale with regular pull ups, jumping pull ups or ring rows. Dumbbell snatch is pretty straight forward, scale down the weight as needed. This is going to be a good burner

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