Heavy “Grace”

For time:

30 clean and jerks 225/155


Double “Grace”

For time:

60 clean and jerks 135/95

Note: If you’re doing heavy Grace, aim for a weight at about 70% of your 1RM. For example, if your 1RM is 245, don’t attempt the workout at 225. For double grace, if you have a sub 5min Grace rx, you can do double grace as prescribed.

Please keep in mind to maintain the intent of the workouts, there’s a reason why certain weights are choosen, why certain movements are the way they are and when they are. It’s all about the big pictures. Somedays we have Rx+ versions because it makes sense with rest of the week, somedays we don’t to ease of of the loading, to target different energy systems and such.


15min to find 1RM shoulder press

Note: From the rack


For time:


Overhead lunges steps 95/65
Toes to bar

**Every time you drop the bar on the lunges or come off the bar, perform 10 burpees**

Note: Bar must stay overhead, cannot be racked on the back or front. Lunges are static, meaning you’re not walking. Do not Rx+ this, go faster

Coach recommendation: Usually, 10 burpees takes on average 1min to perform, it might be wise to rest a bit between sets to get all the reps unbroken, but also, don’t rest too long between sets as at the end of the workout, time adds up quick. This is a really nice double edged sword that will will expose your limits

Mandatory maintenance/mobility

Take 5-10min to roll and stretch

Note: If you don’t stretch and roll your muscles will get tighter and eventually could lead to injuries.

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