This weekend is the West Regionals in Portland. It’s also Regionals at Pyro (to some capacity). We’ll be doing the whole programming over the weekend, Even 1/2 today, 3/4 Saturday and 5/6 Sunday. Each workout is to be treated like any other workout at Pyro, scale accordingly, use weights that makes sense for you, maintain the intent of the workout and have fun. The main difference with the Regionals workouts is the time caps and we’ll have a set rest time in between events. Basically, do all you can in the time frame

We have a full extra week to do the Canwest games. If you desire to get it done right away, you can do so this weekend during open gym times


For time, wearing a weight vest:
1,200-m run
Then, 12 rounds of:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 squats

Men wear a 20-lb. vest
Women wear a 14-lb. vest

Time cap: 25 minutes

10min rest


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches
Ring dips

Men use an 80-lb. dumbbell
Women use a 55-lb. dumbbell

Time cap: 6 minutes

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