Guys night out (Well, more like half a day thing), Saturday June 10th. Details incoming



Clean and jerk complex

1 clean pull
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk

Note: Build to max


12min AMRAP

3 L-pull ups
6 Handstand push ups
12 barbell step ups 45/35 20inch box (back rack)


Guys, get ready for the ultimate guys night out. Tentative date of Saturday June 3rd. Archery tag, Team iron triathlon, food, drinks and games. Bring your friends and family. BOOM!! This going to be EPIC!!!

You’ve probably noticed a few new faces at the box these past couple weeks. If you don’t know somebody, make sure you go introduce yourself and if we have a partner workout or have to share a bar for a workout, team up with them. For all the new Pyromanians, here’s a couple ways to stay in touch:
We also have a closed group facebook page called CrossFit Pyro community. Just send us a request to join and you’re in. Daily workout of the day post directly on your feed, tips and tricks from coaches and tons of stuff.
Also, look for our email newsletter once in a while


For time:


Ring muscle ups
Snatch 135/95

Note: All squat snatch

Rest 5min


For time:

200 double unders
100 sit ups
50 pistols

Video analysis/ bar path review/ technique overview

Not for time:

30 clean and jerks

Note: No prescribed weight but go moderately heavy. Depending on your capacity and technique, it can go anywhere from 60 to 80%. Rest as needed between sets. All reps are squat cleans. We’re working on muscle memory here, proper movement patterns and building capacity at heavier loads.


10min EMOM

Max unbroken handstand walk



Sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85
Shoulder to overhead 115/85



Mother’s day workout is Sunday May 14th. Free to all mothers. Bring your friends, family and kids

Hero workout “CLOVIS” is Sunday May 21st

Hero workout “MURPH” is Sunday May 28th

Regionals weekend at Pyro is Friday June 2nd to Sunday June 4th. We’ll have additional Firebreather classes in order to complete all the workouts. Regionals workouts are challenging but don’t let that stop you, scale as needed and join us for the fun

Don’t forget to submit your CanWest games score before 5pm tonight. If you can figure out how that is!!


Thrusters (From rack or ground)


For reps:

3min of:
Row cals 20/15 then max wall balls 20/14

Rest 2min

3min of:
Row cals 20/15 then max box jumps 24/20

Rest 2min

3min of:
Row cals 20/15 then max kettlebell swings 53/35

Note: Score is total reps for all the 3min intervals. Row 20/15 cals and with the remaining of the 3min, perform as many reps as possible of the designated movements

“Deck of Death 2.0”

For time:

Get through a full deck of cards

Hearts: Burpees over the bar
Spades: Pull ups
Clubs: Hang power cleans 95/65
Diamonds: Sit ups
Jokers: 400m run

Note: Set up your deck faces down, turn one card at a time and perform the number or reps according to the suit. All faces are worth 10 and Aces 11. This is going to be effectively brutal!!

Weightlifting at 1000

CanWest games athletes, you can perform 17.1 during open gym at 1100. Let’s try not to overlap with Fundamentals at 1200 please

Fundamentals 1 at 1200. This is for everybody, new or existing members, if you haven’t taken our fundamentals, we strongly recommend it. For about 1hr30min, you’ll get a full run down on what is CrossFit, workout formats, programming, benchmark workouts, hero workouts, why we do certain things, how to scale and why, movement basics for the squats, presses and deadlifts just to name a few.

Overhead Squat

Clean and Jerk (Heavy doubles, not touch and go but close together)

Clean pulls @110% or 1Rm clean and jerk (Touch and go, control on the way down even for the second rep)

Back squat (1sec pause at bottom)

Acc work

Dumbbell bicep curls
3 sets of max reps 35/25

Ladies night starts at 6pm so no classes

Here we go, another awesome 5 weeks of competition. We’ll be running the CanWest Games workouts on Fridays all day as our workout of the day. That will give us extra days for redos if necessary and we’ll have all weekend plus Monday to capture everybody. Please, try to do it during open gym times. If you’re not registered yet, you should, 20 of us are doing it. For this week, we have the Ladies night out so that leaves us only days classes to do it. We’ll have to do most of it during open gyms this week. Remember to submit your scores. We’ll have printed score sheet as well. Pyro will be going to games in July

Here’s the workout:

CWG WOD 17.1

(As RX, Masters 35-39, Masters 40-44)

17.1 WOD Description:

On a running clock;

Part 1.a) 0:00 – 6:30: Snatch + OHS – RM

Part 1.b) 6:30 – 13:00: Clean x 1 + S2OH x 2 – RM

Part 1.c) 13:00 – 19:30: Row 1k + AMRAP Power Cleans (185/135)

17.1 WOD Variations: Masters 45 And Up, Scaled and Teens

WOD Description:

On a 12 Minute Running Clock;

Part 1.a) 0:00-5:00: 1x Clean + 5x S2OH, build to a max effort

Part 1.b) 5:00-12:00: 1k Row + AMRAP Power Clean in Remaining Time (Scaled/Masters:135/85# | Teens 155/105#)

Tall cleans (Technique focus)


Clusters (touch and go)


Not for time:


Bench press

Note: No prescribed weight. Your goal is to complete all sets in the least amount of breaks. Rest as needed between sets. Start at around 40% of your 1rm bench press and work your way up. For example: 95/115/135/155/185

Next week we’ll be doing video analysis of both the snatch and the clean and jerk and provide feedback. In both cases, we’ll try to evaluate your lifts at near maximal capcity. Somewhere around 85 to 95% depending on your success rate. For the most part, a good lifter can make light lifts look good but technique usually falls apart when we get close to our maxes. The idea here is to identify points of performance and weaknesses in our lifts. Everybody has different body shapes and nobody lifts the same. As long as we maintain some key components. My snatch and clean and jerk can look completely different than somebody else and yet both techniques are sound. The other thing we will bring up is our lifts according to our bodyweight. A 225lbs athlete snatching 205lbs is completely different than a 165lbs snatching 185lbs for example. The former is snatching 20lbs under is body while later is 20lbs over is bodyweight, so strength to weight ratio is better for later athlete is this case. Also, we’ll be looking at our snatch to clean and jerk ratio. Good lifter will usually have a snatch at around 80% (roughly) of their clean and jerk. This is going to be our last week in that 4 weeks cycle. The next cycle is going to be 6 weeks and will be focus on basic strength, lots of presses, squats of all kinds and pulls/deadlifts. It’s time to get those numbers up. Really looking forward to it

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