Pull up clinic: Beat swing, kipping pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, butterfly pull ups

Echoes of 17.3

Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 cleans 95/65
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 cleans 135/95
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 cleans 185/135
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 cleans 225/155
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 cleans 245/175
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
1 cleans 265/185

*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes. Cleans can be power or squats, whatever you need to get it done

Note: CrossFit Open 17.3 was with squat snatch and was also an official workout. For today, treat it like any other workouts at Pyro, scale as needed to your ability. Pick a ladder and pull up scale that will allow you to get up to 24min. For example: 75/95/105/115/135/145 and scale the chest to bar pull ups to pull ups or ring rows

Clean and jerk (3 cleans + 1 jerk)
1-1-1-1-1 (5×3+1)

Note: Squat cleans

Clean pulls @110% of 1rm clean and jerk (fixed load)

back squat (build up)

Acc work

Dumbbell shoulder press

Hero workout “MURPH” Sunday May 28th


10min EMOM alt min

20ft handstand walk
30 double unders


For time:

3 rounds
9 power snatch 75/55
9 toes to bar
9 box jumps 30/24

2 rounds
12 power snatch 75/55
12 toes to bar
12 box jumps 30/24

1 round
15 power snatch 75/55
15 toes to bar
15 box jumps 30/24

Classes at 9 and 10
Open gym at 11

Partner workout

15min to find 2 rep max shoulder press

Note: From the ground

For time:


Cal row
Kettlebell swings 70/53

Finisher: 50 synchronized sit ups. Partners facing each other, must be synchronized at the top, full sit ups.

Note: Partner one 21-21, partner two 21-21, then 15-15-15-15 and 9-9-9-9. One partner working at a time.

Gold Firebreather accomplished
Coach David

Gold Firebreather Requirements

Snatch, bodyweight
Clean and jerk, 125% of bodyweight

CrossFit benchmark workouts:
All, Rx

Hero workouts Rx:
Tommy V

CrossFit games open:
Compete at least once in the Rx division

Compete at least once in a Rx division (Team or individual)


2017 Pyro Challenge. If you’re planning to do the full workout, please come at 9. We’ll start the workout at 0910 sharp. The full workout should take around 2hrs to 3hrs. If you’re scaling, we’ll have a start at 10 and 11, a warm up will be posted on the board, jump in when ready. Half, quarter or scale the workout as needed. Also, something like going as far as you can in 1hr is a good option for example. BBQ at 12pm. We’ll have burgers but if you want something else, go ahead, bring it. CLOVIS is one of the workouts required for the Gold Firebreather.

Note: Because of the nature of the workout and the length we won’t have day care for the kids today


For time:

10 miles run
150 burpee pull ups

Note: Partition the run and the burpee pull ups as needed

U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Clovis T. Ray, 34, of San Antonio, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, was killed on March 15, 2012, in Kunar province, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Shannon, son Dean, parents Bob Ben Sr. and Cecilia, brothers Eddie and Bob Ben Jr., and sister Jennifer.

Power snatch (build to max)

Overhead squat (build to max, if you can, snatch balance for the first rep)

Power clean + power jerk

Acc work

Dumbbell press

CANWEST games workout 17.3:
Click on the post for more details

Last call to order custom wodbooks and duffle bags. The order is going in Friday. If interested, talk to us at the box or send an email


Split jerk from the rack (build to max)



8 min AMRAP

3 weighted pull ups

6 overhead squats (from the ground)

Note: No prescribed weight for the pull ups and overhead squats. Obviously, if you don’t quite have a pull up, don’t go weighted, but do something that will challenge you. For the overhead squats, depending on your technique and capacity, going for a weight slightly under your max power snatch would be a good start point. If your technique is spot on, aim for around 75% of your max power snatch. The goal is to go as heavy as you can while maintaining the intensity

Snatch (not touch and go, build up to max)


Snatch Pulls @110% of today’s max double


Note: touch and go triples

Front squats (build to max)


Note: Its tempting to get out of the squat fast but try to build confidence at the bottom, no pause but really reinforce a strong bottom position.

Acc work

sots press


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