Congrats to the Pyro Crew crushing it at the Festivus games. Congrats to Jenn Bos on her 1st place!!! You guys rock!!!

AGOQ workout 3

For time:


Shoulder to overhead 135/95
Chest to bar pull ups

Rest 5min

For time:


Box jumps 30/24
Abmat sit ups (18-30-42)

Good luck to the Pyro crew going to the Festivus games this weekend. Work hard, push yourself, stay healthy and have a fun!!! We can’t wait to hear back about your experience

Tall jerks (Split or push, pick the one that needs to most work)

5-5-5-5 (Keep it light PVC pipe, barbell or light load, work on technique, foot positions)

Note: Think of this as part of the warm up as well as working on technique

E3M15M (5 sets)

Shoulder to overhead

Rd 1: 15 reps
Rd 2: 13 reps
Rd 3: 11 reps
Rd 4: 9 reps
Rd 5: 7 reps

No prescribed weight for this workout, pick a weight that’s going to be challenging for you and increase the load for each set. For the load, starting at around 45% of your 1rm clean and jerk and increase by 10lbs each set would be good. Start from the rack but if you drop the bar you have to pick it up from the ground unless you put it back on the rack. Complete all the reps within the 3min with as many breaks as you need. If you can’t complete the rep scheme within the 3min, stay at the same weight or go down to do all the reps required

Tempo back squat


Note: 3 seconds down, 3 seconds pause at bottom, 3 seconds up. Chances are you won’t need to go heavy for this to be effective. Build confidence at the bottom while being in control of the load. This is going to be challenging. Start light to get a good feel for it

You can come perform the AGOQ workout 2 during the open gym time at 1100

AGOQ Workout 2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans*

Begin with a 4 minute time cap. If 1 round is completed in under 4 minutes extend time to 8 minutes. If 2 rounds are completed in under 8 minutes extend time to 12 minutes. Etc., adding 4 minutes per round completed for up to 20 minutes.

*1st round, 15 reps at 135 / 85 lb.
2nd round, 13 reps, 185 / 115 lb.
3rd round, 11 reps, 225 / 145 lb.
4th round, 9 reps, 275 / 175 lb.
5th round, 7 reps, 315 / 205 lb.

The Age Group Online Qualifier (AGOQ) start today. 4 workouts, 4 days, give it all. If you’re not doing the qualifier officially, no worries, it’s just like any other workouts at Pyro, scaled options and lots of fun fitness. If you’re an upcoming athletes with a desire to qualify one day, we highly recommend to give this a shot.

AGOQ Workout 1

For time:
100 dumbbell snatches
80-cal. row
60 bar-facing burpees
40 muscle-ups

Men use 50-lb. dumbbell
Women use 35-lb. dumbbell

Time cap: 20 minutes

Snatch balance (Keep it light, work on technique)

Snatch (work to your heaviest triple, touch and go or drop in between)

Note: Touch and go is good to work on barbell cycling, dropping in between reps will allow you go heavier. Both options are good)

Snatch pull @110% or today’s 3rm weight

Front squat (3 sec pause at bottom)


10min EMOM alt min

3 L-Pull ups
2 barbell turkish get ups (fixed weight)


4min AMRAP

40 Med ball cleans 20/14
30 shoulder to overhead 95/65

2min rest

4min AMRAP

20 Wall balls 20/14
10 hang power cleans 95/65

Ladies night out Friday May 5th at 6pm. Jenn and Theresa are working days and night to organize this event, this is going epic!!

Competitive athletes seminar Saturday April 29th at 12pm


E2M10M (5 sets)

5 deadlifts (Start at 45% of 1rm deadlifts and work your way up)
Max unbroken handstand push ups (If you can do 10 unbroken, add a deficit after each set)


4 rounds for time:

33 double unders
12 kettlebell swings 70/53
4 bear crawls 25ft (start and finish each 25ft with 4 push ups)
1 peg board ascent


Pancake stretch 3min

Our competitive athletes seminar is April 29th at 12pm for about 1:30hr. It is our chance to get all together and discuss everything competition. Below, is a quick overview of the topics that will be discussed but not limited to. The seminar is meant to be open in nature to allow everyone’s input. Just to clarify on something, the term competitive is not just for competitions or the crossfit games open for example, being competitive is a mindset, it’s a state in which an athlete as an incredible desire to be better, to put in extra work to improve, to get stronger, to get more mobile and improve skills. There’s a lot of us like that at Pyro.

What does it mean to be competitive?
In depth analysis of the Open, workouts, movements, past opens and how to get better
Upcoming competitions
Pyro’s programming and why our programming is top notch. How do we program, what constitutes a good competitive programming (Skills, strength, classic CrossFit)
Volume vs intensity, when to scale or dial down
Analysis of other competitive programming (Linchpin, FTW, Comp train, OPT to name a few)
And more

I’m gonna close this overview with this. The programming itself does not make you a good athlete, you make yourself a good athlete. The intensity and the effort that you put in everyday is the real factor. Other factors to consider is your training environment, nutrition and recovery. Having a training partner and rival is also a key part of your athlete development. We’ll be discussing all this on April 29th. See you all there

Tall clean (Technique focus, light load)

E3M15M (Clean and jerk complex)

1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
2 front squats
2 jerks (Any style)

Note: Build to max

Clean pulls @110% of 1rm clean and jerk (Fixed weight)

Back squat @110% of 1rm front squat (Fixed weight)
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (1 sec pause at bottom)


Half front split 2min per side

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