Congratulation to Shawn for his 1st bar muscle ups. Sweet skills!!!!

We’ll be running 17.2 all day. Sign up through RhinoFit for your heat

CrossFit games Open 17.2

12min AMRAP

2 rounds of:

50ft dumbbell walking lunges 50/35
16 toes to bar
8 dumbbell power cleans 50/35


2 rounds of:

50 dumbbell walking lunges 50/35
16 bar muscle ups
8 dumbbell power cleans 50/35

Note: If you finish the 2 rounds with the muscle ups, go back to 2 rounds with the toes to bar


High hang snatch (build to max)


Snatch (build to max)


Snatch pulls @110% of today’s 1RM (fixed weight)


Front squat (build to max)


Acc work

Snatch sots presses 5-5-5-5-5 (Keep it light)

Join us at 6pm for the Open 17.2 live announcement and then watch Coach Em and Coach David battle to the death. Make sure you sign in through RhinoFit. If you sign up for 7pm for example, you’ll get to do the workout during that hour

Weightlifting at 5pm


Split jerk (from the rack)



5 rounds each for time:

20 cal row
20 sit ups
20 lunges

Rest 2min between rounds

Acc work
Max dumbbells bicep curls 50/35 (Ouchy)

2 months have passed since we started 2017, how’s your nutrition going? If you haven’t done your one on one session make sure to book it, fire us an email or call us and we’ll set it up. Remember that if you need anything, need help on something, ask us, don’t hesitate


Barbell cycling


5 clean and jerks 135/95

As fast as possible, record the time for each set

Partner up if possible, more fun that way


6min AMRAP

10 double unders
5 push ups
20 double unders
10 push ups
30 double unders
15 push ups

Keep adding 10 doubles and 5 push ups after each sets until you run out of time

Cool down

5min row


4 min couch stretch (2min a side)

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