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Testing in the week of April 2nd, PR time

Power snatch


Snatch balance (Aim for your 1rm power snatch)


Back squat (3sec pause at bottom)


Acc work

50 ghd sit ups

Join us at 6pm for the live announcement of 17.3 and watch Jon, Marty and Brian for the ultimate showdown

Split jerk (3 sec pause at the dip)


Note: Aim for the same or heavier than last week 5×5


For time:


Sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
Knees to elbows
Shoulder to overhead 95/65

Note: Each round starts with a 200ft shuttle run

Awesome fact: CrossFit Calgary and CrossFit Pyro are doing the same WOD. Can we beat them? Let’s post our scores on our website comment section


10min EMOM alt min

2 leg less rope climbs
Max distance handstand walk


10min AMRAP

5 chest to bar pull ups
10 burpees

Note: If you have a weight vest, wear it


Clean pulls @ 110% of 1RM

Front squats

Split jerks

Acc work

Weighted good mornings




6 clean and jerk 135/95

Note: As fast as possible, touch and go


For time:

100 kettlebell swings 53/35
100 box jumps 24/20

The CrossFit Striking course is definitely happening at CrossFit Pyro. We narrowed it down to just a few weekends, we’ll be sharing a solid date shortly. If you’re interested in taking the course, let us know



5 hang power snatch (build to max)
5 snatch balance (light load)

Note: You’ll need 2 bars, one for the hang power snatch and one for the snatch balance. Snatch balance is meant to be light, get under the bar


10 rounds for time:

10 wall balls 20/14
20 double unders

Hey Team, couple things:
Thanks for helping with the open, as previously stated in Sunday’s post. Especially judging. Judging is demanding and requires constant focus, this isn’t an easy job so we’d like to thank you for that. If a peer is judging you, try to return the favor and judge the same person or somebody else. It also takes some of the load of myself, Em or other coaches.

Let’s try to keep the open workouts to open gym times as much as possible. I know sometimes it might not be possible but let’s try to reinforce it.

In the last 2 weeks we had a lot of people debating between doing Rx or scaled. In my opinion the open is more like a test, kinda like a benchmark, this is meant to push you beyond your comfort zone. Going out of your comfort zone is crucial in order to develop and get better. The thing is, lets say you can’t do one toe to bar for example, then you’re just not there yet so there is still a place for scaled. From what we saw, a lot of you pushed beyond what you thought you could do in a safe way and this is awesome. This is what this is about. If you look at the scaled version and you’re telling yourself this is too easy then go Rx. If your goal is just to get a workout out of it and Rx would block you half way through then scaled is great for you. If you’re not sure what to do, make sure you ask us and we’ll be able to guide you. More importantly, have fun

Join us Thursday night at 6pm for the live announcement of 17.3 and the battle of featured athletes Jon, Marty and Brian. This is going to be epic

Awesome work with 17.2, let’s keep this up for 17.3. Thanks to everyone helping out, judging and all the other little things making the open season so great


Tabata barbell

Tabata deadlifts 185/135
Tabata power cleans 135/95
Tabata front squats 85/65
Tabata push press 65/45

Rest 1min between sets

Pyro weightlifting at 1000

Open gym at 1100

5k run at 1200

Weightlifting W7D3

High hang clean

Clean and jerk

Clean pulls @ 110% of today’s 1rm

Back squat

Acc work

Clean sots press (keep it light)

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