CrossFit Games Open 17.5

10 rounds for time:

9 thrusters 95/65
35 double unders

If you’ve done the workout already just do yesterday’s workout

5 sets

5 Split jerks
5 Snatch balance

Note: Use an empty barbell or very light weight

Power cleans (build to max)

Front squats (aim for 90-95% of 1rm clean and jerk)

Split jerks (aim for 100% of 1rm clean and jerk)

Acc work

Dumbbell row
10-10-10 (per side)

The Pyromania II tickets are on sale now. Click on the link below to register:

4 events, 1 final event for top 6 male/female, 1 badass Tshirt, 1 unforgettable day

4 team events, 1 final team event for top 4 teams, be ready for the unknown and the unknowable

Events for everyone!!

Join us tonight for the announcement of the final workout of the open 17.5 at 6pm. Scott and Travis will go head to head for the ultimate showdown immediately after the announcement. Heat 1 should go around 6:45 depending on the workout

Skills/ Conditioning

10min EMOM alt min

1 peg board ascent
30 sec of jump rope (singles, doubles or triples)

5 rounds not for time:

5 pull ups (go weighted if you can)
5 shoulder press (build to max)
5 box jumps (as high as you can)

Maintenance/ Mobility

Stretch and roll 5-10min

The next Pyro apparels order is going in April 15th. The order sheet is by the white board, if you’re interested in getting something, put your name down with the size required in the column of the item and you’re set. We have Tshirts, Hoodies, Tank tops and 3/4 sleeve Tshirts.

Friendly reminder, make sure you sign in for classes


Handstand/ Handstand walk


“Midline March”

3 rounds for time:

25 GHD sit ups
50 ft handstand walk
50 ft overhead walking lunges

Sc: 25 sit ups/50 shoulder taps/ 75/55
Rx: Break as needed 95/65
Rx+: 25ft unbroken 155/115 (Kinda ridiculous)

Join us Thursday night for the live announcement of 17.5, the final workout of the 2017 Open. Scott and Travis will be going head to head right after for an epic show


4 toes to bar
3 knees to elbows
2 pull ups
1 bar muscle up


10min AMRAP

2 rope climbs
Max bodyweight back squats

Note: When you drop the bar or rack it, start a new round. Your score is your number of back squats after 10min

Tall snatch

Hang squat snatch

Snatch Pulls @110% of 1rm

Front squats (aim for 90% of 1rm clean and jerk)




For time:

30 clean and jerk 135/95

Are you weapons-grade? No drops, all unbroken, Rx

Pyromania II Fitness Festival tickets are live. Head over to the link below to register:

The CrossFit Striking course is officially happening Saturday and Sunday September 9th/10th. Registration should be up shortly on



Bench press


15min AMRAP

21 med ball cleans
15 box jump overs 24/20
9 Dumbbell thrusters 50/35

Note: This workout is no joke, we have the feeling dumbbell thrusters are coming, better be ready

Pyromania II registration is now live. Get your ticket quick, they’re selling fast. Here’s the link to the Eventbrite page:

Make sure you read the description of the event for details

Weightlifting W9D3 (We’re switching gear for today’s weightlifting, fun times)

Tall cleans


Note: Start light and try to max out on your last set. All 10 reps must be unbroken, no drops

Front squats


Push jerks

Maintenance/ Mobility


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