5 sets

5 Split jerks
5 Snatch balance

Note: Use an empty barbell or very light weight

Power cleans (build to max)

Front squats (aim for 90-95% of 1rm clean and jerk)

Split jerks (aim for 100% of 1rm clean and jerk)

Acc work

Dumbbell row
10-10-10 (per side)

The Pyromania II tickets are on sale now. Click on the link below to register:


4 events, 1 final event for top 6 male/female, 1 badass Tshirt, 1 unforgettable day

4 team events, 1 final team event for top 4 teams, be ready for the unknown and the unknowable

Events for everyone!!

Join us tonight for the announcement of the final workout of the open 17.5 at 6pm. Scott and Travis will go head to head for the ultimate showdown immediately after the announcement. Heat 1 should go around 6:45 depending on the workout

Skills/ Conditioning

10min EMOM alt min

1 peg board ascent
30 sec of jump rope (singles, doubles or triples)

5 rounds not for time:

5 pull ups (go weighted if you can)
5 shoulder press (build to max)
5 box jumps (as high as you can)

Maintenance/ Mobility

Stretch and roll 5-10min

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